How loud is 4 Inch Duct fan from HTG


Well-Known Member
Don't know about HTG, but my Vortex is just loud enough to be heard humming outside of the bedroom
door on 3/4 power.


Well-Known Member
Like someone else has said, that is an inline fan, not an exhaust fan. There is a big difference as far as how they should be used and how they'll work in your growing area.

A lot of fans will run at least somewhat quieter if they are suspended from a ceiling (helps cancel out vibrations), as opposed to being mounted directly on it.

im so dope

Active Member
Like someone else has said, that is an inline fan, not an exhaust fan. There is a big difference as far as how they should be used and how they'll work in your growing area.

A lot of fans will run at least somewhat quieter if they are suspended from a ceiling (helps cancel out vibrations), as opposed to being mounted directly on it.
good info, so you wouldnt recommend that to exhaust heat from the from a hood and the room then pushing the heat/dirty ai through a carbon filter for smell?


Well-Known Member
You want to pull through the filter, not push. The filter should be first inline, then your hood, then your
inline fan, and exhaust it into the ceiling or wherever.

im so dope

Active Member
You want to pull through the filter, not push. The filter should be first inline, then your hood, then your
inline fan, and exhaust it into the ceiling or wherever.
So it would probably be better to get 2 duct fans one for the filter to be a scrubber and then one to exhaust heat from the light because it wouldn't seem practical to me to have the filter connected to the hood then the hood connected to the fan. You would most likely lose suction from the filter to the hood wouldn't you because the hood is in between and open. The question at hand is do I really need to exhaust heat from a 400w HPS/MH would I see benefits?


Well-Known Member
Dude, one 6" inline fan will work fine trust me. I am going to upgrade to 6", but for now my tent stays barely a couple degrees
above room temp and I'm only using a 4" Vortex on 1/2 power to cool a 400w HPS. I have no problem with loosing pressure or
suction by the time air is pulled through all of that. My filter has a high enough CFM rating to make sure I won't lose much pressure,
and it's a relatively short duct line. And I can always turn the fan up if I need too. It's on a speed control switch.

I have my filter on the end, with air being pulled through that first, then into the air cooled hood, then through the fan and
right into the ceiling. It's all in one nice setup, and I don't have to worry about dual fans or running two sets of ducting. If
I was running a 1000w light, THEN I would probably run two fans. But otherwise, one fan will work fine as long as you exhaust
outside of the room and you don't re-use the warm air.
I use a 6 inch one. It runs 37 watts and 240cfm.

It actually is somewhat noisy if you don't noise insulate / secure it.
You won't want to leave it on when you're sleeping nearby.

I had mine sucking air in from 2nd story of my house and couldn't hear it from outside so thats a plus.