How low desperate and immoral can the left be?

Uhhhh no.....
More like RHINO for life


The letters still stand for same thing but it is now a title applied to any Republican seen to oppose him for any reason. The Republican party once stood for more than defending Donald Trump...

Look at Troy Goudy, neocons perfect legislative soldier for years... He fact checks Trump on a conspiracy theory now hes a RHINO... Absolute and total allegience to Trump is now a cost of admission in todays GOP. Not normal, not right....

The letters still stand for same thing but it is now a title applied to any Republican seen to oppose him for any reason. The Republican party once stood for more than defending Donald Trump...

Look at Troy Goudy, neocons perfect legislative soldier for years... He fact checks Trump on a conspiracy theory now hes a RHINO... Absolute and total allegience to Trump is now a cost of admission in todays GOP. Not normal, not right....
Look man if your going to jump in this at least know who your talking about
Trey Gowdy use to act tuff when he was in the senate they all did him, John boehner, and the likes they didn’t do jack shit when it came to Obama signing one executive order after another. Shoveing obama care down our throat, Benghazi, fast and furious,
Weapon I zing the IRS to go after and financially ruin anyone who apposed obama and his agenda they didn’t do jack shit. Trumps split the party in front of everyone’s eyes so we can see who the rhinos are from the patriots. Everything Trump said he was gonna do he’s doing it until Trey Gowdy goes after Hillary and the DNC, DOJ, FBI to bring back justice in our republic as far as iam concerned he’s apart of the swamp.
Look man if your going to jump in this at least know who your talking about
Trey Gowdy use to act tuff when he was in the senate they all did him, John boehner, and the likes they didn’t do jack shit when it came to Obama signing one executive order after another. Shoveing obama care down our throat, Benghazi, fast and furious,
Weapon I zing the IRS to go after and financially ruin anyone who apposed obama and his agenda they didn’t do jack shit. Trumps split the party in front of everyone’s eyes so we can see who the rhinos are from the patriots. Everything Trump said he was gonna do he’s doing it until Trey Gowdy goes after Hillary and the DNC, DOJ, FBI to bring back justice in our republic as far as iam concerned he’s apart of the swamp.
patriots in the republicon party? the same people taking orders from vladimir putin?

when is mexico gonna pay for the wall btw?
Look man if your going to jump in this at least know who your talking about
Trey Gowdy use to act tuff when he was in the senate they all did him, John boehner, and the likes they didn’t do jack shit when it came to Obama signing one executive order after another. Shoveing obama care down our throat, Benghazi, fast and furious,
Weapon I zing the IRS to go after and financially ruin anyone who apposed obama and his agenda they didn’t do jack shit. Trumps split the party in front of everyone’s eyes so we can see who the rhinos are from the patriots. Everything Trump said he was gonna do he’s doing it until Trey Gowdy goes after Hillary and the DNC, DOJ, FBI to bring back justice in our republic as far as iam concerned he’s apart of the swamp.

I forgot how in 1984 the past too was altered to fit the present.

how can i forget the neocons hate Goudy, the neocons have always had disdain for Goudy...