How low of a pH value can weed leaves handle?

You sound just like me this year lol.. I have been looking like a certified exterminator this year.. These lil bastards drove me crazy enough to get 3 different sprayers this year..

I got the dial in end hose sprayer "LOVE IT", I got a 1 gallon pump sprayer, and then the ghostbusters backpack 4 gal auto sprayer..

We are not feking around with these sap suckers!
Ya I’m desperate and looking for an aphid shaped voodoo doll at this point. I just hope all the plants don’t go to shit. I try and stop spraying by now. I wasn’t sure if they would maybe go away in flower magically and @Herb & Suds said the cooler nights help. Little fuckers.
The cooler weather will help drive things away for sure, but you got to keep on top of it until that happens.. It's starting to turn a bit up here, hopefully the same where you are.
Am I crazy to try this?

Doesn’t seem like a real quick cold snap would harm the plant too bad but from what I read aphids are super weak to cold.
I too cant stand these lil bastards.. They are easy to manage, I mean you can kill them easy, blow them off your plants ect. but they got an army of ants that are ready to bring them right back.. And if you let these lil feks go too long they grow wings and can mobilize themselves.

Another feked up fact about these things, they can give birth to live babies, "not eggs", actual ready to eat bugs that will also be ready to produce quick.
Fall is right here, the temps should be dropping enough to drive things away, Id also tear into those ants, they are the real problem here.. No matter how much you kill and maintain these aphids, if the ants are left unchecked, they will just keep bringing them back.. They are very determined for that honey dew.
Okay so I have been doing this every day for 2-ish weeks. Every morning they look like this:View attachment 5187102
Then I blast the undersides and the tops. Then they are gone. Then the next morning they look the same. Maybe they aren’t a big deal and don’t seem to be causing a ton of damage but starting to see it. I am gonna try the ice thing and gathering parts so maybe that’ll dent em. Anyway sorry I’m so emo.

Those actually look like whiteflies, never seen white aphids before, just green. But maybe in your area they're that color? Either way, Spinosad will kill 'em
Those actually look like whiteflies, never seen white aphids before, just green. But maybe in your area they're that color? Either way, Spinosad will kill 'em
Spinosad will clear out everything from what Im reading.. It's banned up here so I haven't used it but Im reading it will kill honey bees, butterflies and other beneficial bugs.. That may be a last resort, I hate sap suckers but I need my honey bees.
Fall is right here, the temps should be dropping enough to drive things away, Id also tear into those ants, they are the real problem here.. No matter how much you kill and maintain these aphids, if the ants are left unchecked, they will just keep bringing them back.. They are very determined for that honey dew.
I think the DE is helping on the ant front. Gonna triple rinse the harvest <<if I make it lol>> this year
If they can even make it back to their nest, most of them die before they make it back there, thats why it's best to find the nests and lay it around the base.. This will allow the ants time to make it down to the queen without dying before they get there.
That DE will fuck them up for sure.. If they take it to their queen, it's a wrap for that whole colony.
I found one ant hill just outside the garden and demo-ed it…sure there’s more but ya the cinnamon wasn’t cutting it
That DE is a brutal death for them, its cruel in the sense they dry out, but if you don't take care of them they will be non stop..