How many (Cfls) Bulbs are you useing


Well-Known Member
Guys i bet even all these lights (20 CFLS) would be cheaper than a 400w hps . and the main point for us is if i wanted to grow more than one plant at a time and if i had a room to use then and no problem with the heat i would use a hps but at the moment ive only got a small space and my bill costs 1/6th of a hps


Well-Known Member
Guys i bet even all these lights (20 CFLS) would be cheaper than a 400w hps . and the main point for us is if i wanted to grow more than one plant at a time and if i had a room to use then and no problem with the heat i would use a hps but at the moment ive only got a small space and my bill costs 1/6th of a hps
I respect everything your saying, I even agree you can grow A LOT of plants with CFLs. But I personally only recommend them for Vegging. I have seen GREAT results with Flowering with CFLs though, you just have to do it right. Your setup has to be damn near perfect and planned out ahead of time. You have to place the bulbs a certain distance, every day to get good sized buds. My friend grew 3 plants with 9 CFLs and got 6 ounces off the total harvest, 4 10"+ cola buds. I know the results work, I just don't recommend it unless you have a tight setup.


Well-Known Member
lol i have a wicked set up
2 x 85w Big Cfls (=350w Each) Both 2700k
1 x 30w tube (t4) i think
1 x 20w tube, 4000k
1 x 30w Cfl, 6400k
1 x 24w Cfl 2700k
all of them are 1-2 in away from the plant in all angels and because im only doing one plant it can optimize for the best and only in a very small box

ive done one plant befor with half of these lights and got around 1 oz lol but now i got more i hope ill get more

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
a 400 watt hps uses more than 400w's total. ballasts are somewhat inefficient and waste some energy making it usable for the bulb. conversion bulbs are even worse electronic ballasts waste less but not much. so 400w of cfls is going to be a little less costly than a '400w hps/halide' by maybe 50w to 100w:peace:


Well-Known Member
um will these light have got it takes to do 1 plant
2 x 85w Big Cfls (=350w Each) Both 2700k
1 x 30w tube (t4) i think
1 x 20w tube, 4000k
1 x 30w Cfl, 6400k
1 x 24w Cfl 2700k

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
1 plant should be fine i would maybe swap out some of the 6500k for more 2700k's and move bulbs around for even coverage. other than that keep them close very close cfls lose power rapidly the farther away they are. 1 to 2 inches is best if heat is not a prob.:mrgreen:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
actually i didnt add up your spectrum properly looks like 80% or more of your light is 2700k thats fine a little blue is good:peace:


Well-Known Member
blue 2700 cfl?? the 2700 is a warm bulb so it wouldnt be blue if I am not mistaken!! and how many plants did you have skunk, how big is your grow space, he got an oz from one plant using a couple of bulbs, for most hobby growers that is perfect....
yip your right it's only a 130w 14000k ultra blue.
Hygrow Technologies - Products
the 2700 extra red is the one i am getting mum for her brithday.
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bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
my post was confusing i meant to say he has mostly 2700k reds/yellows and a little blue spectrum from the higher kelvin rated bulbs. which i think is good even for flowering.:peace:


Well-Known Member
you guys are some stubborn mother fuckers... just to let you know... cfls have ballasts too they are just built right in.. see the white part at the bottom??? thats a ballast... take one of your stupid t5s and open it up.. what will you find A BALLAST

