How many cfls do I need?

I have about 3 plants growing right now and they just started and I need cfls. Do I get alot of low wattage ones with each about 5000K or just get like one 85 Watt 6500K ? I don't know how many to use . And when I move to flowering don't I need like a 2700K light? Should that be a cfl or does it matter ?


Well-Known Member
I have about 3 plants growing right now and they just started and I need cfls. Do I get alot of low wattage ones with each about 5000K or just get like one 85 Watt 6500K ? I don't know how many to use . And when I move to flowering don't I need like a 2700K light? Should that be a cfl or does it matter ?
Hey Purple,

Congrates on the new grow. I myself am new to this but I will try and give a little advice here.

I would start with 3-4 27w cfl's with a 6500K color. You will need 6500K to get you throught he veging stage. I added several 2700K's to mine grow just for good luck. The sun's light is not just one spectrum color so what can it hurt. I read that a 70/30 mix is good to start. When you switch to flowering u will need to switch to 2700K's and the more the better. Make sure you keep your light adjusted close(2"-5") so you dont force the plants to strech.

You also will want to watch your watering practices. Over watering is bad for the plant's. I am working on getting mine down because my girls are a litlle sick.:sad:

Good luck and keep us posted.

Illegal Smile

Agree with bigman and would add that in flower also you want a mix, but in flower 70/30 2700k. Get cfls in as close as you can. Plan for when you have a jungle - how will you get lights in there close? Because at that point you will need more of them. I find 42w work well, you can put them in clamp reflectors. Plan now for lots of places to clamp to and how to plug in.