How many CFL's to use?


New Member
I am going to be starting my first grow very soon, i have a some autoflowering seeds coming from Nirvana. My grow room that i have set up is about 2 x 3. Right now i have 3 100 watt CFL lights and about 5 smaller CFL's, not exactly sure what wattage these ones are. My question for you guys is how much lighting do i need? Temp regulation is going to be a problem so i wanna make sure i am not putting too much light in there to heat the thing up, but yet i want to get a very good yield so i am assuming i will need a decent amount of light. Let me know about your experiences and the yields you guys have gotten off of your styles, thanks much!!


Well-Known Member
Are they 100 actual watts or equivalent? In a 2x3 I'd say 250-400w of light would be enough.