How many clones can you legally have in a location?


Say you have a 100% incorporated legal collective in CA with 100s of members to cover all plants. How many clones can you have legally in a space? 99? Does each technically count as a plant from the minute they are cut and placed in a rooting cube? To stay 100% within the law do you need a separate location/collective for each 99?

What if you have 99 flowering/vegging plants at the location? Does having 100 clones there mean that if you got in alot more trouble if they raided and wanted to nail you somehow - would they charge you with having 199 plants in the location?

A secondary question that really is a different thread as I am mostly concerned with how clones fit into the legal landscape of medical marijuana in CA...What happens if you get raided and you have say 125 plants? How big of a deal is that in Los Angeles with going over 99?

Thanks for any responses


Moderatrix of Journals
depends on the arresting officers, ultimately. and some of them are *assholes*. did you read about the 62yr old grandma in my province who was *within her plant limit and got carted off to jail anyways? (hint: she's out now, her case'll probably get tossed out, but she's already spent a couple days in jail and you can't undo that....)

it's easy enough for them to come in and *assume* that your 100 clones means you're 100 plants over your limit, fuck up your room, take your equipment, revoke your card, etc. etc. and even if you fight it in court, you can only do that after all that shitty stuff has *already happened....

as to your other q, well, 'over the limit' is 'over the limit', and combined with the fact that by being over they can assume you're an outright usurper of a system designed for "compassionate usage" and throw the book at you.... not worth the risk IMO...

all the best to you. *good vibes*


Thanks for the response mello. Much appreciated. It what makes sense, just frustrating to think if you want to do a 100% legal 99 plant grow under a legal collective with the correct number of patient's paperwork you have to have a separate site for clone, veg, and flower.

mongo frog - It is my understanding that after working with a MMJ lawyer and forming my non-profit in the correct incorporation manner in CA and having the docs he told me to have on site including 17 patients scripts from my collective who I am growing for that yes I can post all their scripts and grow.


Moderatrix of Journals
are you in cali with a legal collective?

you should try picking collective gardener's brain...

Green Growbot

Active Member
Say you have a 100% incorporated legal collective in CA with 100s of members to cover all plants. How many clones can you have legally in a space? 99? Does each technically count as a plant from the minute they are cut and placed in a rooting cube? To stay 100% within the law do you need a separate location/collective for each 99?

What if you have 99 flowering/vegging plants at the location? Does having 100 clones there mean that if you got in alot more trouble if they raided and wanted to nail you somehow - would they charge you with having 199 plants in the location?

Thanks for any responses

Here is the link that goes over all of the county laws for here in the Golden State...

I can't imagine that you can't find what you need on that site but here is another link for lawyers here in CA that can answer ALL your questions...

(Dont forget to give +Rep to people that help you.)