how many crosses in a year


Well-Known Member
have you asked google yet? if your going to start breeding and want to do it right then theres alot of information you need to read first...if you dont know how to handle containing your pollen and how many months it takes to finish 1 round of plants you have not even gotten into the basics yet never mind anything advanced.


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks for judging me dude. you dont no dick about me. one cycle of plants depends on the genetics. im asking for a straight answer with all the perimeters as perfect as possible. what the most crosses in one year. dont reply if you dont have an answer. google doesnt have all the answers. i dont have time for people and their crap.


Well-Known Member
again your question is vague an un could do 10,000 crosses in one could do 10....

you mean to tell me that the answers you seek are not out there on the interwebz already??? i believe your either bad at searching or lazy....

im not judging anyone im simply saying if you want a good quality answer no one is going to give it to you...everyone will have different variables and experiences in mind and none of them could pertain to your specific situation....research is what is going to give you the most knowledge to answer your question so that is supports your specifics.

as far as polinating shit you dont want to polinate...its called be carefull with microscopic pollen. do it in a controlled enviorment without a ton of airflow.

as far as how many crosses maybe 3 if your using only the plants you have already grown and crossed.

dont be a dink because someone told you to educate wasnt a insult it was some solid advice.