How many days do you dry for in Colorado?


Active Member
With the high altitude in Colorado I need to know how many days your plants should be hung upside down for so they are still stinky and sticky. A lot of the bud Ive smoked here here has been upside down for too long and lost its potency. I don't want to do the same thing. My hook says he drys in 5 days, but his shit is way to dried out when I smoke it.


Yeah, totally dependant on the temp and humidity. I usually throw them in jars when the stems start to have a bit of crack when bent. Usually 4-6 days here in Northern CO. If you want to know for sure, purchase a small thermometer/hygrometer on Amazon to add to your jars, if its around 60% you can leave the lids on. If over you'll need to burp once or twice a day. Once my humidity is in the 58-62% range I stick them in a dark closet and wait at least a month. Two months is really par though. Thats basically the point that most strains get a drastic increase in potency, and where the taste and smell starts to take on a very smooth effect. Of course, if the humidity is much under 50% when placed in the jars the flower will no longer continue to cure and it wouldn't be beneficial to allow it to sit in the dark in a sealed container.


Active Member
Yeah, totally dependant on the temp and humidity. I usually throw them in jars when the stems start to have a bit of crack when bent. Usually 4-6 days here in Northern CO. If you want to know for sure, purchase a small thermometer/hygrometer on Amazon to add to your jars, if its around 60% you can leave the lids on. If over you'll need to burp once or twice a day. Once my humidity is in the 58-62% range I stick them in a dark closet and wait at least a month. Two months is really par though. Thats basically the point that most strains get a drastic increase in potency, and where the taste and smell starts to take on a very smooth effect. Of course, if the humidity is much under 50% when placed in the jars the flower will no longer continue to cure and it wouldn't be beneficial to allow it to sit in the dark in a sealed container.
I've had people tell me they cure there weed all the way and when I ask how long, they say 5 days or a week! That's because they over dried their buds and there's no moisture left for the cure process. At that point they are just sticking weak, crispy weed in a jar for no reason....I agree with the month long cure you talked about(at least) to break down all the plants bad smells and tastes. They overdry here and before they know it have mexican brick weed that no one will even smoke it's so bad...on good strains too. What a shame. Glad I got my own grow going here so I can finally smoke some dank cured weed!


Well-Known Member
i run a humidifier in my drying room and it was only keeping things at 40% over this summer and into the fall. temps at about 60-65. took about 3 days to dry and would remoisten slightly once bagged up.

just did my first harvest after the cold blast, couldn't keep humidity any higher than 25%, temps at 60. dried in two fucking days. seems to still have enough moisture but it just went into the bag, so who knows.