How many gallons of nutrients should I use per plant?


I have plants in the ground outside in northern California. I am using Roots Organics Buddha Grow(2.0 - 0.25 - 1.5) and Extreme Serene(analysis says 0% for N and 2% for each of P and K) for foliage feeding. My plants are 5 1/2 ft tall and have a diameter of 4 - 5 ft. The packaging says for established mature plants to use up to 2 tbs per gallon. I get that. However, I feel like they need more than just one gallon of food at a time. So my bushes are going to turn into trees soon and I have no idea how much I should give them because I doubt that I could over fertilize one of the plants if I gave it the whole gallon of Buddha Grow. Please give me your opinions because I have no idea how much to give. Thanks in advance.


then go 4tbs of food with 2 gallons of water and so on.
I understand the multiplication per gallon if i use more than one gallon, but how many gallons should i use? Are you suggesting that I give them 2 gallons of nutrients when I feed?


Well-Known Member
It really doesn't take a whole lot of nutes...I mean it rains outside where you are right? Well you only water when the plant needs it...and they don't need a whole lot of water...Things you add to the soil would be easier to use outside as opposed to things you add to water...anyway just mix up a couple gallons per plant if it has been really dry...if it rains enough where you are to keep plants alive, then just give them one gallon...when the plant gets big you will feed more, not too much more though...more like use extra will know if you are giving too much or too little...


Well-Known Member
Figure out how much water you give them. Water them with water that has been treated to hold 1/4 of the manufacturer recommendation. All these nimrods want you to use a lot more of their product than your plants really need, hence all the "Why did my plant die after I fertilised it" threads. You are better off feeding lots of very diluted nutrients over a long time than strong nutrients all at once.


Well-Known Member
i would start off with a lower dose, see if you plant can handle it then next time you feed them bump it up a little bit, less is more. How big are your holes or pots that there in?


It really doesn't take a whole lot of nutes...I mean it rains outside where you are right? Well you only water when the plant needs it...and they don't need a whole lot of water...Things you add to the soil would be easier to use outside as opposed to things you add to water...anyway just mix up a couple gallons per plant if it has been really dry...if it rains enough where you are to keep plants alive, then just give them one gallon...when the plant gets big you will feed more, not too much more though...more like use extra will know if you are giving too much or too little...
\ It did just rain as a matter of fact, for a couple of days. SO you're saying that if I give one plant, say 1 gallon of nutes, and maybe up it a gallon if I see yellowing leaves on the bottom, as an example? I guess I just don't know what to expect because this is the first year I have grown completely organic.


Figure out how much water you give them. Water them with water that has been treated to hold 1/4 of the manufacturer recommendation. All these nimrods want you to use a lot more of their product than your plants really need, hence all the "Why did my plant die after I fertilised it" threads. You are better off feeding lots of very diluted nutrients over a long time than strong nutrients all at once.
I figured it was different because all of my nutrients are organic.


i would start off with a lower dose, see if you plant can handle it then next time you feed them bump it up a little bit, less is more. How big are your holes or pots that there in?
They are in the ground.(oops i should have mentioned that, tyvm)Oh I did mention that in the first sentence of the post) Should I just keep going up until there is something I should look for when peak amount has been achieved?


Well-Known Member
start of with 1 gallon 2 tbs of your nutrients then see how they respond slowly increase it if there green and healthy why risk burning them most likely there getting lots of nutrients from the ground i know were im at in northern cali theres lots of worms in the ground which is worm castings just slowly increase the dosage when you see alittle nute burn step down the dosage and flush the plants then you will know exactly what they can handle i havent even started using liguid nutes and mine are 3ft tall and got 32 plants idk i would just rather use less maybe then what i should because the fear of burning my plants but trust me dude if there in the ground in northern cali barely and nutes and it will be a tree are soil is awesome and packed full of nutrients! good luck bro and tell me what you do and how it works out for you.


start of with 1 gallon 2 tbs of your nutrients then see how they respond slowly increase it if there green and healthy why risk burning them most likely there getting lots of nutrients from the ground i know were im at in northern cali theres lots of worms in the ground which is worm castings just slowly increase the dosage when you see alittle nute burn step down the dosage and flush the plants then you will know exactly what they can handle i havent even started using liguid nutes and mine are 3ft tall and got 32 plants idk i would just rather use less maybe then what i should because the fear of burning my plants but trust me dude if there in the ground in northern cali barely and nutes and it will be a tree are soil is awesome and packed full of nutrients! good luck bro and tell me what you do and how it works out for you.
TYVM for your advice! When I was digging the holes I found numerous amounts of worms, to my surprise. So I know the ground is somewhat fertile, however in the eastern foothills where I live it is mostly the red clay. Some of my plants have some yellowing bottom leaves with some tips dying so I know I need to use more. I think I am gonna try 2 gallons worth each next time and see what happens. I got a feeling, though, that my plants are gonna be really hungry. My indoor versions of the same strains that are 3 wks away from harvest are yellowing at a mad pace. Should I just give the 2 gallons of nutrients or mix the 2 gallons of nutes into 5 gallons total the other 3 being plain water?

Again, ty, I have a lot more confidence after reading your post.