How many gram do you smoke a day?

Used to when I was in the whole party/rave scene I would smoke 3 grams of loud a daily, usually in joints. If I felt like using the bong a few times that day this 3 grams could increase to 5 or 6.

Nowadays a gram of some good bud lasts me about a week. I'm become weak I guess, haha. A job and college doesn't leave a large window of opportunity to be faded.


Well-Known Member
each medible I make has about 1 - 1.25g's I just made some tonight this will last from tonight till Sunday night.. aprox 12g's decarbed bubba kush/ 1 1/2 cups peanut butter..

If I smoke.. it's about 7 joints on a average now..

so this is all gone now.. lasted bit over 2 days... making more now.. I'll smoke a bit in the am if I dont have medibles.. but... nothing gets me pain free like medibles.. smoking kills the pain within 5-10 mins.. for about 30-60 mins.. if I smoke a J (aprox 1 g ) a tablespoon of ^ last me's from 2-6 hours sometimes..
I have to ask. How do you consume it? By the user name, i can most likely guess, but that is an insane amount. Is there a second of the day when there is not smoke in your lungs??
That isnt that insane amount at all, especially if its on holiday then its tottaly normal to me,(if my math were right, thats 10 g a day) keep that in mind that theres a lot people who need more than the rest, not everyknow gets super high by a blunt per week



Well-Known Member
Well 112grams/7days=16....
But no its not that much at all compared to some people I know, or even how much I used to smoke..I just really enjoy the act of smoking and the taste of dank. Plus I grow sativas so I'm not tired all day from smoking a lot...


Well-Known Member
i could out smoke any one of you,fact!
you provide.. and we shall see

taken 11-15-2012

what was left by 4-29-13

granted 85% was in medibles 100% was used by me..

32 jars down in 23-24 awesome weeks

^this is a complaint more then a brag.. I would love to be like I was when I was 16-24 and a few puffs lasted hours..


I guess depending on a few things but on average about 3-5 grams if the bong is out. If i have my Volcano out, 1-2 grams throughout the day.


Well-Known Member
I can see why so many of you literally have to grow.

A 1/4 oz usually lasts me 2 -3 weeks. I dunno how you guys do it I could never function smoking an 1/8th a day. Unless I'm camping I guess. But different strokes an all.

I did manage to get promoted somehow in the midst of a month-long coke binge once though. I had been up for 4 days when they had the ceremony thing talking about "a great responsibility now that you'll be managing others" all while trying to not grind my teeth to dust lol.


Well-Known Member
One guy on this site argued he smoked 3 oz a day "easily"... ever since then I've decided these threads might as well ask "how big is your dick?". They carry the same amount of truth..


Well-Known Member
I think most of the people on this thread are telling the least after I was mentioned...I honestly just popped in at the right time and hadn't read anything before that....but I don't think whether you smoke a lot or a little should it be something you brag about..there are no positives to needing more herb than someone else