How many grams can I expect? and when can I clone a plant


Hello, this is my first post. I am thinking of growing my own cannabis. I have been reading many posts on this forum, I have gained so much knowledge. After all my reading I have a few questions:

At what stage can I clone a plant? Ie, 2 weeks, 5 weeks, etc.

What exactly is a square meter yield? I read this term a lot on seed stores. I know it depends upon a lot of factors, but how many plants can you fit into a square meter?

I am thinking of growing 5 feminized White Widow seeds (Grow House), using 112 watt of CFL lighting, with adequate airflow using soil. I was planning to construct a small growbox/tent. About 60cm x 60cm x 120cm. How many grams can I expect from this? The seeds say "Flowering indoor: 8-9 weeks with a yield of 400 to 600 gr/ sqm"

What kind of temperature would 112 watts of CFL light bulbs produce? (14w * 8 )

Thanks in advance for the advice :)


Active Member
It is much better to clone a plant from seed after it has shown its sex. Usualy they will show sex in one month but some take a bit longer. As for what the bags say you should not take that to heart. There light used to figure harvest wieght for them was not going to be a cfl so that right there changes your outcome.

Best thing to do is give it a try and see what you get. A cfl is not going to put of much heat and with your grow box vented you will be fine. However if you used a low what MH (i.e. 150w-250w) you would see much better yeilds at harvest. Maybe up the size of your box and through in an MH light or at least add 1 or 2 more cfl's larger than 14w.

A 2 week veged clone under a 400w-600w light will yeild around 1 oz dry. Now concider if you are using a 112 watt cfl your yields will be lower due to light output.

Don't get me wrong. I have seen some great looking nugs come off of cfl lights.

Let's see what others have to say.

Good luck.


Active Member
You can clone before you start the flowering stage so 4-5 weeks.. you won't be able to grow 5 mature plants with that one CFL alone you'll need to add more lighting.. if you want a good harvest go with a 400w HPS light that's prime for any new grower people usually harvest 2 dried ounces each plant if it's a indica strain 1 ounce if it's sativa.. use that cfl for vegging then put em under a 400w hps for flowering..


Active Member
if you want a good harvest go with a 400w HPS light that's prime for any new grower
Second that, i've just started flowering but have used the 400hps for veg too with good results, personally i wouldnt bother with the cfls at all and just spend my money an a hps.

I dont think i could have done as well with equivalent cfls, possibly people on this site could but it just seems much easier with the hps.


HPS is not currently a option for me, for many reasons, 250 watts is my limit, and my budget is low currently.

I would be able to run more CFL's, perhaps 10 6500k and 8 2700k, would this be any better. Or is it still no match for HPS?

Thanks for all the input.


Active Member
znox, You are off to a great start. No amount of CFL's will compair to HPS. You just can't get the same output of lumins as in a HPS. If CFL is the only way than I suggest viewing some threads that show grows with CFL lighting. You will need a good amount of CFL's to grow 5 plants but thinking of your space limit they will be compact in size. If you are going to sog them that would be ideal to keep your profile low.


znox, You are off to a great start. No amount of CFL's will compair to HPS. You just can't get the same output of lumins as in a HPS. If CFL is the only way than I suggest viewing some threads that show grows with CFL lighting. You will need a good amount of CFL's to grow 5 plants but thinking of your space limit they will be compact in size. If you are going to sog them that would be ideal to keep your profile low.
Ok, thanks swad. I have been playing around with materials I have. I have lots of transparent plastic sheet. I will make a tent with that. I will line the inside with aluminum foil, this is to stop light going through, then I will tape normal white paper, about 90gsm. This will create a nice white area on the inside. The plastic sheet will make the tent airtight, I will just cut holes for the fans, and use duct tape to close the door area off.

I should be able to make two tents/boxes. One for vegetative and another for flowering. Would I be able to make a vegetative box shorter? How tall do plants get in this stage. Also my master plant would stay in here.


Well-Known Member
You can grow a plant big enough to take a clone from.Put that clone under 12hrs of light a day and it will show sex.If it is a female you can use the plant you cloned from as your mother.There is a lot of videos on you tube that will help too.


Active Member

You can make your veg box smaller than your flower box if you want. I do have to say it is nice to have the head room for keeping mamas in it though, so that would be up to you. The clones will be shorter in your veg box. If you clone and veg to about 8-12 inches of growth and when put into flower expect about another 5-8 inches of growth. This will totaly very on the plant strain and how it is cared for through out its life.

So you need to know what you want out of each plant (i.e. 5-10 grams, 1/2 oz, 1 oz) and then you will have a better idea of how big your plants will have to be to get you to that goal.

Keep it coming......



I found some compost lying around. It says (Multi Purpose Compost, and it is made with Sphagnum moss peat, Composted softwood bark fines and has NPK fertilisers). Everywhere I read NPK is the fertilisers I need. Is this compost okay to grow with?

I have also bough some active carbon, I am just looking for some pen pots or something to make a filter with. I want to purchase a 120mm 68CFM fan for outtake, and use 2 or 4 80mm fans of around 30CFM as intakes on the bottom of my box, maybe one in each corner.

Lighting, I am considering getting a 70w or 150w MH light, but I understand they get very hot, so I am not sure about that. I have looked around at some stores websites and I can't find anywhere local that sells them, if I can find one and it isn't too expensive they I will probably use MH. If not I will use CFL's.

I am going to create one box for now, and hopefully if I have room I will create a second box later for flowering. If not I will flower my plants in the current box.

I have some plastic boxes which are W=73cm x L=48cm x H=40cm, I could use two of these stacked with the top one upside down, that will give me 80cm's. That should do fine for flowering. The boxes are made out of thick plastic and don't let light through, I will use paper on the inside to make it white to reflect the light.


Oh, and another question.

The plants wont start smelling until they start flowering with 12/12 light. So I will not need to use a carbon filter until I switch the lights over to 12/12?