How many hours a day are you stoned?

i start in the morning and go to work with a heavy buss. I work at a restaurant so keeping the buzz going all day isnt a problem. Then I come home and smoke to relax and fall asleep shortly after that.

the church man

Well-Known Member
Working with animals is probably one of the most satisfying things that i can think to do when high. my pony's birthday is on 4-20! ahahaha she and i smoke on her bday.

other than that, i'm high around 25% of the time. but there are just those times when i've got to function sober....


Well-Known Member
i poke hitters all day usually between classes or on breaks at work just to keep things interesting, but when the day is over i like to pull out to bong and get destroyed haha.. anyways to answer the question, i'm buzzed most of the day and actually stoned for the last couple of hours of the day