How Many Libertarians Out There?

What do you think?

  • Democrats have it right!

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Republicans have it right!

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Libertarians have it right!

    Votes: 27 64.3%
  • I support something else entirely!

    Votes: 11 26.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I am wondering just what percentage of stoners are libertarian. It seems like the party of "shut up and mind your own business". One where you are left alone to control your life. My views of the parties are this:

Republicans: "We want to control your personal lives"

Democrats: "We want to control your money"

Libertarians: "We want you to take care of yourself and mind your own business."

Are people that afraid of freedom? Why don't people think you can control your money and lives on your own? You think you can, right? You probably think your neighbors can't though, don't you?

Why does everyone feel that the Libertarian party is the party of crazy? What is crazy about being free? About being the only one responsible for your own fate? I really think the Demo's and Repub's are so afraid of individual responsibility that they cannot let you control your own lives. The Libertarian party is different in that respect. I understand why Republicans and Democrats are for their individual parties - because they have no better options, but doesn't the libertarian idea incorporate the most important part of everything? Liberty. It is almost wiccan in its teachings "An it harm none, do what ye will." Isn't that really what most of us want? To be left alone to live our lives how we wish to live them? I know that is my fondest wish in life.

The New Hampshire Free State Project is about Libertarians moving to NH to take over the state and change it into a Libertarian paradise. I am seriously considering the move.



Well-Known Member
Republicans: "We want to control your personal lives"

Democrats: "We want to control your money"

Libertarians: "We want you to take care of yourself and mind your own business."
Put that way, Lib all the way. I swing in all directions and have no political ties or feel like I owe a particular party my vote. Back scratching for votes has made this country what it is today.

People need to get back to helping each other because it's the "neighborly" thing to do, not because taxes or law requires you to help. But with so many hell bent on creating stock piles of everything they own and hoarding it all to themselves with the perception that it's owed to them because of their hardwork, it's unlikely.


Well-Known Member
But with so many hell bent on creating stock piles of everything they own and hoarding it all to themselves with the perception that it's owed to them because of their hardwork, it's unlikely.
So you feel that whatever you worked hard for should not be yours to keep?


Well-Known Member
But with so many hell bent on creating stock piles of everything they own and hoarding it all to themselves with the perception that it's owed to them because of their hardwork, it's unlikely.
That does not make a whole lot of sense. So you are saying that if I work for something, I should be forced to share it with others? If I am not owed the fruits of my own labors, then sure as hell no-one else is!


Well-Known Member
Fucking retards.

I never said you should be forced, I'm saying if people were compassionate enough to "help their neighbors" then many problems this would faces would cease to exist, you don't need all that shit you have but will never give it up because "you gotta get yours". I said this in my post in other words, but fuck some of you are so quick to start a fight.


Well-Known Member
Fucking retards.

I never said you should be forced, I'm saying if people were compassionate enough to "help their neighbors" then many problems this would faces would cease to exist, you don't need all that shit you have but will never give it up because "you gotta get yours". I said this in my post in other words, but fuck some of you are so quick to start a fight.
Look who is starting a fight... *mirror*

It is funny you say that because in terms of voluntary donating, Conservative Christians are the most giving and Liberals are the least giving. Maybe we could force the liberals to be more compassionate. You know, to be fair.


Well-Known Member
Fucking retards.

I never said you should be forced, I'm saying if people were compassionate enough to "help their neighbors" then many problems this would faces would cease to exist, you don't need all that shit you have but will never give it up because "you gotta get yours". I said this in my post in other words, but fuck some of you are so quick to start a fight.
A lot of assumptions being made in your post, and why are you so angry? Do you desire to be in control and not getting a lot of people to hand it to you? Why don't you start by being the example and leave the rest of us alone?


Well-Known Member
Penn Jillette said something like...

Republicans love guns and hate drugs

Democrats hate guns and don't mind drugs

When someone loves guns and drugs, they are usually libertarian.

And of course one of his favorite sayings, The government that governs best, governs least. A quote that is attributed to T Jefferson.


Well-Known Member
Fucking retards.

I never said you should be forced, I'm saying if people were compassionate enough to "help their neighbors" then many problems this would faces would cease to exist, you don't need all that shit you have but will never give it up because "you gotta get yours". I said this in my post in other words, but fuck some of you are so quick to start a fight.
Its called a "Debate" look it up. No one here is under any obligation to see things the way you do. Your opinion doesn't matter anymore than the next guys does, but when you start calling folks fucking retards I can assure you , you have lost your position.


Well-Known Member
New Libertarian theme song? Theyyylll be guns and drugs and drugs and guns hoorahhh hoooorrraahhh

If people don't want to give away what they worked for, then oh well. That is just the way it is. That is part of liberty.

Definition of Liberty: 1) The state of a free person; exemption from subjection to the will of another claiming ownership of the person or services; freedom; -- opposed to slavery, serfdom, bondage, or subjection.

So does the government claiming ownership of 50% of what I make and what I spend my life achieving make me half slave or serf?

If I make 100 dollars, and they take 20 cents. They got 20 percent. Then I spent 80 dollars at mcdonalds, walmart, ect. They take 7 percent of it there($5.60) They then tax walmart, and then the people walmart pays with that money, and then it rolls into a ball. They aren't just getting 27 percent of every dollar from me, they are getting 27% of every dollar that moves from one person to another. After a couple hundred moves that 100 bucks I made is 0 in money in the economy and has all moved to the government coffers to be distributed as they wish.



Well-Known Member
New Libertarian theme song? Theyyylll be guns and drugs and drugs and guns hoorahhh hoooorrraahhh

If people don't want to give away what they worked for, then oh well. That is just the way it is. That is part of liberty.

Definition of Liberty: 1) The state of a free person; exemption from subjection to the will of another claiming ownership of the person or services; freedom; -- opposed to slavery, serfdom, bondage, or subjection.

So does the government claiming ownership of 50% of what I make and what I spend my life achieving make me half slave or serf?

If I make 100 dollars, and they take 20 cents. They got 20 percent. Then I spent 80 dollars at mcdonalds, walmart, ect. They take 7 percent of it there($5.60) They then tax walmart, and then the people walmart pays with that money, and then it rolls into a ball. They aren't just getting 27 percent of every dollar from me, they are getting 27% of every dollar that moves from one person to another. After a couple hundred moves that 100 bucks I made is 0 in money in the economy and has all moved to the government coffers to be distributed as they wish.
It makes you all serf...

If you purchase a piece of property you have to pay taxes (tithes) to the landlord (the local government) until you die... Then someone else has to pay those taxes...

Also, if you dont pay your 50% of your income or whatever happens to be required you can get 100% of your ass thrown in jail. Therefore, you are all serf with a dictatorial government deciding how much of the benefits of your labor you can keep.


Well-Known Member
So does the government claiming ownership of 50% of what I make and what I spend my life achieving make me half slave or serf?
No it makes you 100% their little bitch no matter how little they say is theirs. Like NLXSK1 so eloquently stated, if you don't pay that little percent, they will throw 100% of your ass in jail. If they have the power to take your life away whenever they so choose, then that makes you a slave.


Well-Known Member
It makes you all serf...

If you purchase a piece of property you have to pay taxes (tithes) to the landlord (the local government) until you die... Then someone else has to pay those taxes...

Also, if you dont pay your 50% of your income or whatever happens to be required you can get 100% of your ass thrown in jail. Therefore, you are all serf with a dictatorial government deciding how much of the benefits of your labor you can keep.

I smack my head at the amount of cynical and gullible bastards their are in this country. If everyone thought for them selves and took a look at history, we would all be better off. You have to know where you came from to guide your future endeavors.


Well-Known Member
Look who is starting a fight... *mirror*

It is funny you say that because in terms of voluntary donating, Conservative Christians are the most giving and Liberals are the least giving. Maybe we could force the liberals to be more compassionate. You know, to be fair.
Yes and the rub is many people will not help out charitable organizations because they feel they have already helped by "donating" their money to the government.
Who has time or money to help out nowadays? Because of the the way Congress continues to manipulate the economy people will continue to be worse off overall with each passing day. People don't learn to be charitable through coercion. Just the opposite imo.


Well-Known Member
So you feel that whatever you worked hard for should not be yours to keep?
Exactly. Its not like they use it for things that are beneficial. Things like public roads, the military, fire departments, police departments, hospitals, national parks, a coast guard, advancing medical technology, and other things that would be easily done on an individual level rather than a societal one.


Well-Known Member
New Libertarian theme song? Theyyylll be guns and drugs and drugs and guns hoorahhh hoooorrraahhh

If people don't want to give away what they worked for, then oh well. That is just the way it is. That is part of liberty.

Definition of Liberty: 1) The state of a free person; exemption from subjection to the will of another claiming ownership of the person or services; freedom; -- opposed to slavery, serfdom, bondage, or subjection.

So does the government claiming ownership of 50% of what I make and what I spend my life achieving make me half slave or serf?

If I make 100 dollars, and they take 20 cents. They got 20 percent. Then I spent 80 dollars at mcdonalds, walmart, ect. They take 7 percent of it there($5.60) They then tax walmart, and then the people walmart pays with that money, and then it rolls into a ball. They aren't just getting 27 percent of every dollar from me, they are getting 27% of every dollar that moves from one person to another. After a couple hundred moves that 100 bucks I made is 0 in money in the economy and has all moved to the government coffers to be distributed as they wish.

Your math maybe off. $0.20 is not 20% of $100.00, in fact it is not even close. I would suggest you recheck your math. It is way off.


Active Member
Glen Beck is a peice of shit, I don't mean to sound stupid saying that but its true. He's seriously a nut case and he is under the impression that smoking pot 'tears up' your lungs and that it's more dangerous than cigarettes (as most think.) He rants on about how Barack Obama is somehow a nazi and a communist both of those political party completely contradict each other. Not only is he an idiot but he considers himself as a libertarian (as you will hear him repeat at least 4x throughout an episode or even an interview.) He is more then anything a republican.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Exactly. Its not like they use it for things that are beneficial. Things like public roads, the military, fire departments, police departments, hospitals, national parks, a coast guard, advancing medical technology, and other things that would be easily done on an individual level rather than a societal one.
Don't forget arresting people for weed, empire building, torture, leading the world in incarcerating it's own citizens and funding a "public school" system that teaches obedience to the state over protecting individual liberty.