How many light would i need....


Well-Known Member
Good morning guys n gals , i have a question i need answering and i guess some of you guys should be able to help...

in theory , if i had 1000 plants each spaced adequately appart (12-18") in a building which size is more than enough to hold them in ,, how many lights would i need ??? there will be a mix of led's and 1000w hps set-ups.

what would be the best mix of each and would it be best to use 400w led's or 1000w led's ???
how many 1000w hps would i also need to provide adequate light to each plant...
all i know is there will be led's and hps used and im trying to work out the best plan of attack ,, i dont know how many led set-ups to use alongside the hps's and vice versa if that makes any sense...

thanx in advance guys n gals to anyone who can point me in the right direction...

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
1000w DE covers a 5x5 area. 1000w SE covers a 4x4. So 25 plants per DE or 16 plants per SE.

So 40 1000w DE IMO. Don't even waste your money with the LED in a setup this large. Mix spectrums of hps and mh