How many lighters?


Well-Known Member
I have bought 4lighters in a little less then 3days. I venture out to cloud nine & I never find my lighter afterwards. I lose lighters like I lose my socks. I wonder how mch money I spend on lighters alone.

I have never lost any of my zippos though. :hump:


Active Member
I have one zippo I have had for going on nearly 20 years now.
As for disposable lighters, I have never really given it much thought, but I suppose I do go through quite a few of them.
Many times it's just people pocketing them after you let them use it, not intentionally stealing... just out of habit.


Well-Known Member
I buy those 5 packs for five bucks. And then put all the stickers on the bottom of the lighter so I always know if somebody pockets my lighter. I never ever lose them, make them last till they are done.


Well-Known Member
finding my old lighters is such a weird feeling. It's like being reunited with a lost son.
I love my zippo. & my girl gave me a solopipe for one of my bdays. Man I love it.


i always misplace mine or my friends, or i burn my self with them playing stoned....

thats why i always steal a pack of 5 bic lighters when i pick up munchy food from the grocery store :d

Hehe keep toking!


i got one ronson refillable lighter and the can of butane just keep that shit in ur pocket at all times or while home keep it in the same drawer


Well-Known Member
Dude, buy a Solopipe....You'll never lose your lighter again.
Don't you love the little velvet sack it comes with? I love it my solopipe. I banged my girl hard when she got it for me. I love it. I love watching all my lame ass buddies try to turn it on too.


Well-Known Member
Don't you love the little velvet sack it comes with? I love it my solopipe. I banged my girl hard when she got it for me. I love it. I love watching all my lame ass buddies try to turn it on too.
That's coolest pipe I have ever owned. Yea that sack it comes with is sweet.
I like the little cleaning tools it comes with too.


Well-Known Member
I know. Hey have you ever tried to remove your screen? I haven't changed my screen in like almost 3years. But I can't see anyway of being it out.


Well-Known Member
I know. Hey have you ever tried to remove your screen? I haven't changed my screen in like almost 3years. But I can't see anyway of being it out.
Are you serious you haven't changed your screen?
I've only had mine for a few months now, but I can't tell you how many times I've changed or cleaned my screens.
I change the screen out at least once a week, and I clean it at least twice a week.

I have a mason jar with some high proof rubbing alcohol in it. I put all my dirty screens in there, squish it around and screen is clean.

Can you imagine what coffee would taste like, if the coffee filter was never changed? :spew:


Well-Known Member
christ, my old roomies used to go through 5 lighters a day! it was mental!
wed always find them, but about 3 weeks later!


Well-Known Member
I just looked at the prices for solopipes, 70 bucks... I'll stick to my bic lighter.


Well-Known Member
I just looked at the prices for solopipes, 70 bucks... I'll stick to my bic lighter.
I'm not trying to sell you on it.
But if you were to buy a nice looking butane lighter and similar pipe of the same quality.
You'd probably end up spending the same amount of money.
By the way, I only spent $50 for mine.

I especially like it, because I like to take a few hits while I'm driving on long trips.
The great thing is that I can keep one hand on the steering wheel, while I'm smoking my pipe. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have bought 4lighters in a little less then 3days. I venture out to cloud nine & I never find my lighter afterwards. I lose lighters like I lose my socks. I wonder how mch money I spend on lighters alone.

I have never lost any of my zippos though. :hump:

how often do you lose your socks?!?:-?

but yeah, i go through lighters like happymeals


Well-Known Member
how often do you lose your socks?!?:-?

but yeah, i go through lighters like happymeals
I can't say I've lost a pair of socks....ever.
How can I?
It goes from my drawer,
To my feet
To my hamper
To my washer
To my dryer
To my clothes basket
Then back in my drawer.

But then again, I'm a neat freak and obssesed with keeping everything organized. :-)


Well-Known Member
ive lost a sock or two, but to compare my lighter losses with sock losses is crazy.

just last night i had someone show me thier lighter 140 bic's....all stolen. i called him an asshole, he gave me a lighter.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Hows the solopipe hit? Is it actually like a decent pipe? Or just cool for the bonus of having a built in lighter.


Well-Known Member
lose my socks bcause I come home & my shoes fly off my feet & so do my socks. My socks rarely hit the hamper. So when I have to wash it's a hunt for socks & then after I have so many mixed pairs.

Wait so how do I take out my screen? & yes the solo pipe is a decent pipe. Never need a lighter ever again. Just a good bowl.