how many ml to feed an unsprouted seed

Merry Janemas

Active Member
right now i'm giving it 10 ml in the morning and 10 at night. this seems to wait until the hydrotion rocks next to the rockwool cube are dry (the rocks are a darker color when wet).

does this sound about right, first grow and all so any help would be appriciated. oh and if anyone can recomend an amount to watter after sprouting please? i think its suppose to be less from what i've read on here you don't want to over watter. i'm just not sure about rockwool with hydrotion rocks in a plastic cup, being my first grow.

my strain just fyi is PPP fem.
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Active Member
I am growing PPP myself and I just made sure my rockwool was moist and same with medium once I got it to that stage. There are two pics below of my ppp 15 days apart.


Merry Janemas

Active Member
i was really wondering how much in a measureable quantity. and i understand conditions will vary which will change the amount of water uptake by the plant. but on average about guess estimate i don't care i just want to have an idea of what is over wattering and what is under wattering. ya know?

those pics look great i hope your grow goes well. PPP seems to have darkish kind of leaves. or at least in your pictures.


Active Member
You really can't measure how much water. If its dry the roots will dry out, if uts soaked and not able to drain out excess the stem will rot. I go through clones sometimes from over watering the rockwool, I finally got a humid dome to solve that.

Merry Janemas

Active Member
exactly how am i suppose to tell if i'm over wattering?

i mean the seeds haven't sprouted! so i can't see anything or signs of over wattering. i know some people say to use the weight method, and make sure it has a certain amount of grams of watter or something. but i want to know millimeters. even just 100ml per day is too much or 1 ml per day is too low.

you see whould i be wattering till the water runs out of the bottom of the cup? while it is still an unsprouted seedling? they germed quick so i am wondering because its been a few days and they haven't sprouted a stem yet. so a bit worried. if it goes on another day i read sometimes the stem gets trapped underneath the top of the rockwool, so i am going to peel back the top of the rockwool and see if it has sprouted just not broken the surface. or am i rushing this?

i don't know?


New Member
You're rushing things.

Think of Mother Nature as you progress through your growing experience. What happens to a cannabis seed in Nature? It drops on the ground. Hopefully, there will be a little shade and some moisture down there. Maybe even a little rain or morning dew.

The seed sprouts with the tap root heading straight down into the earth searching for moisture and nutrients. Needing very little at this time in its early life, it sends its little, under developed arm, above the surface to feel around a bit. Hey, it likes it up there on the surface. It feels sorry that it stayed under the earth for those five to ten days.

Now that its up and running, it will take its little cap off, and start stretching out a bit. Whoops ... it discovers that it needs light in order to create the energy needed to grow more roots, so it starts to grow some little tiny leaves.

Ahhh ... now its feeling a lot better. More light ... more leaves ... more light, more roots ... more roots ... more leaves ... more leaves .... the more light that can be absorbed ... the more light absorbed, the more energy gets to the roots.

Mother Nature is, if nothing else, a lesson in patients. So be it for us to gain the same. :)
