How many mothers = x amount of clones?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to get a ball park figure here. I have room for 25 mother plants in 3.2 gallon pots.

How many clones do you think I can root off of them and how often? (assuming they are fully established mothers).

What would be the best way to go about making sure I am able to pull as many as possible from each plant?

Would love to hear from someone who is actually in the clone production business.

I know some of this is dependent on strain, lighting etc. Thats why I just say a ball park figure.

+Rep for solid help.



Well-Known Member
When I say fully established, I mean about 4 - 4 1/2 feet tall...if that helps. I did search before, and someone said on average a 2 foot tall plant can give off about 20 clones every 2 weeks. So, I would think its safe to say a 4 - 4 1/2 ft plant can give 20 every week, or 40 every other week. I was hoping someone who does this in mass would jump in here.

I'd still like to hear from anyone who deals with large #'s of clones.


Well-Known Member
I never did "Mass Production", but about 20 every two weeks sounds about right. Big plants - bigger output also sounds about right.

I was going to answer this yesterday and say "20 every two weeks", but that would have just been a lucky guess! I generally try to avoid that!


Well-Known Member
I never did "Mass Production", but about 20 every two weeks sounds about right. Big plants - bigger output also sounds about right.

I was going to answer this yesterday and say "20 every two weeks", but that would have just been a lucky guess! I generally try to avoid that!
Thats about what I figured. Thank you for at least dropping in and giving me your input.

If anyone else has anything to add, by all means please do.
