How Many of our members are veterans?


Global Moderator
Staff member
That's not true at all, complete bullshit. I'm a disabled vet and I got mmj card and they know about it and support it. I have to piss test for them cause I get a few pain pills every month from the va, they don't care about mmj.
I personally haven't broached the subject of MMJ with my VA Doc.
I figure it's none of her business.

I do have a buddy who's 100% disabled (in NC), he receives substantial pain meds & he tells me if he pisses dirty that they can pull his scrips.


Well-Known Member
In 2010 the VA changed their stance regarding MMJ use. They released a memo that said that the VA will no longer discriminate against patients who use marijuana in states where it is legal.

My VA doctor knows about my marijuana use, and asks me about it every check-up.



Well-Known Member
I personally haven't broached the subject of MMJ with my VA Doc.
I figure it's none of her business.

I do have a buddy who's 100% disabled (in NC), he receives substantial pain meds & he tells me if he pisses dirty that they can pull his scrips.
It has to do with the state and the Dr getting his license to write narcs from DEA. Same with Suboxone, it's like methadone except it is a partial opiate agonist. Not a lot of Dr.'s in my city have a license to write Suboxone.


Well-Known Member
The doctor I got my Medical Marijuana card from told me if VA finds out I could lose my VA benefits. Would be ironic since I got my prescription for PTSD. I love how everything in this country makes sense...
Just wanted you to know, my local VA Dr. has listed marijuana as a medication in my records. I have also been talking to them about getting RSO to my fellow Vets on the down-low and have managed to get a few contacts from them. It is just a matter of time before they recognize MMJ as a valid treatment or PTSD.

Merry Christmas to all my fellow Veterans :peace:


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is the only thing that helped my brothers PTSD before he drank himself to death. He would come over and ask to burn down a little. It was funny because he drew on it like a teenage girl, he was so tough that I laughed every time. He would be like my brother of old, relaxed and joking around, not nervously shifting his glances too often. The VA referred him to a private psychologist, which helped a little but if would have been better if he started seeing him a year or two earlier. By the time he started to make small strides it was too late.