How many of you are going to bitch about Obama care after 2016?

I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that although many of you will continue to complain about government in general and obama in particular, deep inside you will think that obama care wasn't such a bad idea at all, and many of you, if presented with a new "plan" to abolish it will look at what you now have and refuse to go along.

Well? want to answer truthfully now? or shall we wait?

Depends on the new plan doesn't it. Will medicare still be mandatory by law at 65 even for the Bill Gates of the world? Will it still have to be primary even if your secondary is sweeeeeeeeeeeet? Can I buy a drug used successfully in Canada made in Canada? or will big pharma still have our government mandate we MUST by American drugs (made in Malaysia)? Can a group of my friends and I negotiate a group plan with a company a state over?

All of those measures actually would reduce costs instead of increasing them so yes, I would vote for that. Wouldn't you? I bet you would if Obama campaigned for it.
so you signed your own paychecks in the marines?

yep, that reagan and his reaganphones. fuck him :cuss:

Just when I think you have reached rock bottom, that you cannot possibly get any stupider, or more venal, you come through and enter a whole new level. It's like the UncleLeach video game, with 50 levels of play, and you are a fucking leach-master.
When the majority of hospital execs love the bill and the majority of care givers hate it, people should be nervous. I really wish Bush had passed this p.o.s. bill so you guys would point out what's idiotic about it too.
When the majority of hospital execs love the bill and the majority of care givers hate it, people should be nervous. I really wish Bush had passed this p.o.s. bill so you guys would point out what's idiotic about it too.

Then we would of all been happy for it
No, not all. Many of us were not happy when Big Pharma got Bush to sign a bill requiring that ONLY name brand cancer drugs were reimbursable by medicare. The most expensive, highest profit drugs MUST be used or medicare will deny the claim. Private insurance is more than happy to pay for a cheaper exact replica. Bush's Medicare drug plan didn't seem to be too popular, especially from the left. Remember? Medicare was broke back then, we couldn't afford it.

If a person knew nothing of politics or USA and never heard a single politician say what it's in it, all they knew was that a bill was passed being lauded by insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and hospital corporations while the front line care givers are all pointing out it's failures. A bill that many many people are fighting in courts to deem it un-lawofthelandful because it restricts freedoms and goes against their personal beliefs, a bill that increases costs of care at a time when costs are skyrocketing. A bill that will cause medicare/caid costs to rise while medicare is STILL broke and half the states can't afford the medicaid they already half-assed provide. A bill that will require 15-20k new tax collectors...well, most non-crazy people would think maybe we need to take a closer look.
My 5 day hospital stay in may 2012 was $32,200

No one is paying it but me and payments at that.

it cost them $32k that you did not have, and you think that no one but you suffered those costs?

you probably have to pay interest on that for a reason, and if not, then you did not bear those costs alone.
Well I am almost 50 have drawn almost 3 months of unemployment my entire life
and have my own insurance

And to top it off my wife works for a health insurance company

So you dont know me as well. Now lets get right to the meat of it

You are bitching you lose your right to be a free loader on society and not carry health insurance?
Is that what you are whining about?
"Miso sorry bother yu, yu wan buy Hef Insurance?"
You are so fucking stupid its not even funny.

Who is paying the bill ass wipe! I am paying the bill douchebag.

No one else but me you waste of life.

What fucking part of that don't you understand asshole.

Hospitals will and do make payments plan retard.
again if you could afford to buy insurance and you didn't you're stupid
I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that although many of you will continue to complain about government in general and obama in particular, deep inside you will think that obama care wasn't such a bad idea at all, and many of you, if presented with a new "plan" to abolish it will look at what you now have and refuse to go along.

Well? want to answer truthfully now? or shall we wait?

I have paid for private health insurance for the majority of my life.

Will any of the promises made when Obamacare was created be fulfilled? Will it cost less? (signs show it will cost considerably more)

It is not going to help me at all...
So the USA is like 32nd in the world in healthcare. Most "advanced" countries have almost free health care. I'm getting fucking old and will be able to get on medicare soon. I've had fucking vampire insurance all my life and still have to worry about getting wiped out if I get something really bad. I've watched people lose everthing just to stay alive. The damn co-pays are as much as the medical servicese used to cost 30 years ago. Ever see the salary of a CEO of a health insurance company? Obamacare didn't go far enough, we should have gotten single payer.

Healthcare is a right for all, not just the ones that can afford it. Insurance companies make around 30% off of your illnesses.
I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that although many of you will continue to complain about government in general and obama in particular, deep inside you will think that obama care wasn't such a bad idea at all, and many of you, if presented with a new "plan" to abolish it will look at what you now have and refuse to go along.

Well? want to answer truthfully now? or shall we wait?

There is nothing wrong with caring for others. There is everything wrong with caring for others using the money or resources of others without their consent. The passage of time will not magically make this okay will it?
I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that although many of you will continue to complain about government in general and obama in particular, deep inside you will think that obama care wasn't such a bad idea at all, and many of you, if presented with a new "plan" to abolish it will look at what you now have and refuse to go along.

Well? want to answer truthfully now? or shall we wait?

Did you have a stroke, Canndo?

Do you honestly think you have made any kind of point at all by asking PPACA opponents to just agree, today, that they will love Obamacare in 2016? Because it is self evident to all the Obama sycophants, right fucking now, that Obamacare is a great idea, and all the "hillbillys" will finally realize in 2016 that they were just "bitter clingers" in 2012?

Seriously, did you attend Emily Post's school for condescending assholes, cause the OP is a master-piece of condescension?
So the USA is like 32nd in the world in healthcare. Most "advanced" countries have almost free health care. I'm getting fucking old and will be able to get on medicare soon. I've had fucking vampire insurance all my life and still have to worry about getting wiped out if I get something really bad. I've watched people lose everthing just to stay alive. The damn co-pays are as much as the medical servicese used to cost 30 years ago. Ever see the salary of a CEO of a health insurance company? Obamacare didn't go far enough, we should have gotten single payer.

Healthcare is a right for all, not just the ones that can afford it. Insurance companies make around 30% off of your illnesses.

Define "free".
so you signed your own paychecks in the marines?

yep, that reagan and his reaganphones. fuck him :cuss:

WTF is that supposed to mean?? I worked for my fucking paycheck, protecting your lazy ass from being invaded by people who live in the Dark Ages. So UB, did you serve in the Armed Forces? In case you haven't thought about it, there is a difference in WORKING for your money rather than sitting on your ass collecting money for doing NOTHING!

Now, back to ObamaIdontcare. The reason our Healthcare system is in the TANK is because of Obesity. Obesity is the number 1 Health Epidemic in this Nation, causing a massive outbreak of type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Joint Failure, Depression, Cancer, and numerous other ailments that have caused our Health Insurance to go out of control in spending money for people who won't take responsibility for their actions. The Government is also feeding this frenzy by giving handouts to those who refuse to work. If you don't believe me, go to Walmart after the Welfare checks are paid out. Obesity is a plague amongst the poor, and the Democrats are responsible for feeling sorry for people who need a KICK IN THE ASS, while feeding them the diet of sugar and processed foods that are sending them strait to the doctor!

I have a good friend and client who has been a practicing physician for 25 years, and he voted for Obama. I spoke with him the other day and I boldly told him what I said above: HE AGREED WITH ME!!!!!! He fucking understood what I said, and he admitted our Nation is a FAT SLOB crying over the next ailment they have, then expecting the Government to pick up the tab when they need open heart surgery or a new knee joint because they can't walk with their extra 150 lbs!!!!

Until Obesity is brought under control, nothing can fix our Healthcare system, NOTHING! America is SICK because they won't stop stuffing their faces and they won't exercise!!! The Pharmaceutical industry is FAT with cash and the Health industry is FAT with cash, until now, and the reason is simple; the obese are on disability, can't work, have caused massive medical supply revamping (bigger beds/cranes to lift the obese/larger ambulances/more staff), and those who don't want to pay the high price of Health Insurance have op'd out of Health Plans that have become a joke. That means, the Healthy have backed away from the Insurance Pool that only the sick are using, AND, who aren't contributing to the pool.

This is why Obama is trying to strong-arm people like me to pay in, as he knows, we can survive without Health Insurance, and those are the EXACT people that insurance pools need! But FUCK IT, I'm sick and tired of paying for other people who run to the doctor every day because their bad health is the result of laziness and undisciplined eating habits! FUCK IT, I'll pay my own bills!
so you signed your own paychecks in the marines? yep, that reagan and his reaganphones. fuck him :cuss:
Of course he did, you can't cash them without it! Or are you trying to imply serving in the Armed Services isn't earning your keep? If so, you're a retard. Oh, wait...........
Freeloader? You do realize that if you make money, and don't have insurance, you pay for it completely out of pocket, correct? What are you even talking about?
Most don't pay at all. They just go to an emergency room where they are required by law to treat them, whether they pay or not.