How many of you are going to bitch about Obama care after 2016?

I've not only thought about it, I've lived it.

Canada is a very peaceful country. They aren't making bombs, or starting wars, but they sure do require their citizens to chip in to make certain that everyone has access to healthcare. And guess what. Canadians are very proud of that. Nobody feels "forced". They understand that that is a big part of what makes the country so great. Empathy towards their fellow countrymen.

Here, it's dog eat dog. If you have the money, you get the coverage. If you don't, too bad for you. That's nothing to be proud of, and has nothing to do with "peace".

What happens in Canada if a peaceful person doesn't want to participate in a "government program"? Does the government leave them alone or initiate aggression? How peaceful is "Canada" if a person wants to be left alone and leave others alone?
What happens in Canada if a peaceful person doesn't want to participate in a "government program"? Does the government leave them alone or initiate aggression? How peaceful is "Canada" if a person wants to be left alone and leave others alone?

I didnt know the Canadian healthcare system was aggresive

You know the person you are talking about could jsut simply choose not to go to a doctor or use his private insurance if he had it. Private insurance is not outlawed in Canada
I didnt know the Canadian healthcare system was aggresive

You know the person you are talking about could jsut simply choose not to go to a doctor or use his private insurance if he had it. Private insurance is not outlawed in Canada

At the source all "government programs" rely upon the initiation of aggression to maintain themselves. Bet you can't argue intelligently against that.
At the source all "government programs" rely upon the initiation of aggression to maintain themselves. Bet you can't argue intelligently against that.

still trying to argue for your free lunch rob?

i havent seen an intelligent argument as to why you should get away without paying
still trying to argue for your free lunch rob?

i havent seen an intelligent argument as to why you should get away without paying

I don't want free lunch. I should never get away with not paying for those things I agreed to pay for. I should pay for what I willingly contract for. However, I, nor anybody has the right to demand payment from anyone when that person did not consent to a so called "service" or even a real service.

To be a service, both parties willingly enter into the arrangement. You confuse the meanings of service and consent and think that government involvement magically makes the meanings change.
I don't want free lunch. I should never get away with not paying for those things I agreed to pay for. I should pay for what I willingly contract for. However, I, nor anybody has the right to demand payment from anyone when that person did not consent to a so called "service" or even a real service.

To be a service, both parties willingly enter into the arrangement. You confuse the meanings of service and consent and think that government involvement magically makes the meanings change.

YOu willingly entered into the agreement by living here.
Want to reneg on your obligations to society?
Find another society to live in. You are reason communes dont work
YOu willingly entered into the agreement by living here.
Want to reneg on your obligations to society?
Find another society to live in. You are reason communes dont work

Guess he should have picked a different country/family to be born into. He happened to be born in a free society, that's pretty lucky so he could have picked worse.

Communes stop working when the numbers exceed the amount people can feel an emotional attachment to. Social scientists (soft science, so nothing is fact) generally feel that number is around 100. Small communes have been successful, large ones never have.

300 million is more than 100. Your commune is most likely impossible on a scale our size. I recommend you ignore history, scientific data and individuality and keep trying. It's working famously so far too. Oh, and while trying to get everyone to act the way you want, you should call those in disagreement names and tell them to get out of their own country. That should convince them you are right.
Guess he should have picked a different country/family to be born into. He happened to be born in a free society, that's pretty lucky so he could have picked worse.

Communes stop working when the numbers exceed the amount people can feel an emotional attachment to. Social scientists (soft science, so nothing is fact) generally feel that number is around 100. Small communes have been successful, large ones never have.

300 million is more than 100. Your commune is most likely impossible on a scale our size. I recommend you ignore history, scientific data and individuality and keep trying. It's working famously so far too. Oh, and while trying to get everyone to act the way you want, you should call those in disagreement names and tell them to get out of their own country. That should convince them you are right.

So he is free to leave as well
YOu willingly entered into the agreement by living here.
Want to reneg on your obligations to society?
Find another society to live in. You are reason communes dont work

Nope. People willingly enter agreements by giving their consent.

My obligations to society are to let others live their life as they see fit, as long as they leave others alone as well.

What do you know of communes Comrade?
Nope. People willingly enter agreements by giving their consent.

My obligations to society are to let others live their life as they see fit, as long as they leave others alone as well.

What do you know of communes Comrade?

If you dont give your consent
Then move. You sound like you are unemployable anyways
Obamacare is instituting a set of mandates that private insurance is required to meet in each policy.

These mandates are going to necessarily cause the cost of private insurance to skyrocket.

Could someone please explain to me again how Obamacare is going to make things cost less? Up to this point everything points in the other direction...