How many of you sieve before you sell?


Well-Known Member
I am positive that all the bud around here has been sieved before it is sold. I have never seen bud with trichomes like that in the harvesting and curing section.

So how common is the practice?


Well-Known Member
Yea its common pratice where the bud you is sieved and then sprayed with some other kind of shit to make it heavy(scam artist cunts) but now i grow my own so they do what they want with thier shitty sieved bud!


it is a damn common thing down here...... TOO common. personally, i feel that it is shady business practice that could get you jacked..... but to each his own i guess.


Well-Known Member
it is a damn common thing down here...... TOO common. personally, i feel that it is shady business practice that could get you jacked..... but to each his own i guess.
Yeah, after seeing the Harvesting section I swear everything that I have ever seen has be sieved. :cuss:


Active Member
travel breaks down the trichromes.

it just depends on how much it had been tossed around before getting to you

im sure some people sieve, but the people who are moving weight really have no reason to do it. mostly done by the low level dealers i assume

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
what happened to my post on this thread wtf??anyways ill post it again, that is some lowlife shit! id be super mad if anyone sold me some skuffed buds...


New Member
Boo this man!

don't give the bastards ideas i read something about gravy powder one time that made me cringe.


Well-Known Member
Gonna have to fuck some people up now. I always felt like I got more then what I payed for but if people are getting fucked over heads are gonna roll!