How many ounces of trim is enough?


Active Member
How many ounces of male trim(just leaves) is good enough to make a nice batch of cookies? Like say 12 cookies? Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
1 pound for good measure. I don't know, never made cookies with weed. It's better to be safe than sorry, load that shit up!

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
i doubt you need that much to make 12 cookies. when i make cookies the recipe calls for 2 sticks of butter and it makes a tons of cookies. i would think a 1/4lb would be more than enough tbh.

Screw butane imo. I like to get high off thc not gas fumes.

munch box

Well-Known Member
i doubt you need that much to make 12 cookies. when i make cookies the recipe calls for 2 sticks of butter and it makes a tons of cookies. i would think a 1/4lb would be more than enough tbh.

Screw butane imo. I like to get high off thc not gas fumes.
I thought the butane is purged and the final product is thc? not butane. The trick is to find the most pure butane you can find, because its the impurities that are poisonous and can sicken or kill people. triple or quadruple distilled butane works best. Also use steel or glass tube, because butane will release vapor from pvc, brass and other materials. You can buy the kit online, its called a honey oil extractor. you don't have to try my advice, but at least now you are not ignorant...


Active Member
I ran 1 lb of sugar trim with bubble bags...seeing that there was trichs still attached I through it in a crock pot with 2 lbs of butter for 12 hours and stirred every 30 min...butter was very potent but tasted like crap LOL


Well-Known Member
quarter pound per stick depending on the quality for knock youo on your ass 1 cookie fucks you up cannabutter....

remember, 1 stick of potent cannabutter makes 15 doses usually.