How many people sell their product?


Active Member
I just got done finishing my PLAN of my setup, and if I happen to achieve 1 gram per watt (I know not my first grow), with my perpetual grow I will have 6 plants every 4 weeks under 600w. So 2400 grams which would be the same as 5.2 pouinds!

My intention which my grow was JUST to be able to get enough to sell to friends to pay the bills and costs of growing, and be able to smoke technically free as it is my product. I do not believe I would ever be able to smoke that much every 4 weeks... I know I can downsize if I wanted to, but I do not want to waste electricity growing less plants when my current plan is okay.

So my question is how many people sell their shit on THIS scale. I am not talking about peddling gram bags. My guess would be out of the 5.2 pounds I would be selling 4 pounds. I am aware once you start selling your risk of getting caught increases alot as you basically have to trust who you sell to, to not rat you out as the supplier. I really would love to just keep everything I grow to myself and ONLY sell enough to pay the bills, but when there is this kind of many involved it is just to big to pass on. Let me know what you guys do. Once again, I am not talking about selling some grams to friends at school or something low scale. It would have to be by the ounce.

Note: I am VERY aware that I am getting ahead of myself as I have not even started on my first grow. But I would much rather plan this out, than wait for the day I have it on hand and have no plan on what to do with it. This thread is ONLY for informational purposes. Also even if I didn't achieve 1 gram per watt but say something like .25 gram per watt. That would still be more than enough for myself and to pay the bills. I did say I finished my PLAN of my setup, so I'm jumping the gun here. But I already have half the equipment purchased. I am 100% serious about this.

If you want to see my planned setup, it is on this thread:
Try getting threw your first grow to ensure your setup an seeds all work together without any hiccups BEFORE the bigger picture Young Skywalker!

I was the same as you my friend curiously thinking futher than i can get to. but then your left sitting there wishing that dream to come true. when you need to be sure you have everything perfect, to allow future lans to be concidered.

Take it 1 step at a time.


Active Member
Please no answers about having to go through the first grow first. If I end up having beginners luck and pull it off my first time I do not want to have to ask this later.


Well-Known Member
Rule 1 tell no one
Rule 2 don't forget rule 1 lol

Honestly I wouldn't even tell my friends, I would tell them I am getting it from someone else.

Answer to your question, many people sell at that scale they just don't talk about it.


Active Member
Do you think I am still small scale? Well compared to the professional growers on these forums that have $10k+ setups or the grow busts that have 100+ plants.

Also what do you mean keep selling to myself? You mean instead of selling to the dealers I should sell straight to the users? I wouldn't have time to be selling by the gram or eight, and I really don't want to be talking to too many people. Selling by the ounce to dealers or users who buy that much would be much more efficient.


Well-Known Member
You're not going to be getting 5.2 pounds. This is a pipe dream, and a dumb one at that. It's not wise to discuss illegal activity in a public forum.


Active Member
This forum already discusses cultivating plants.... and I doubt the majority are allowed to do so. I don't see how this would be a pipe dream. Isn't 1 gram per watt an accurate rate once you have experience? Even if I only ever achieve .5 GPW, that would still be more than enough I would smoke or need to pay bills.


Well-Known Member
This forum already discusses cultivating plants.... and I doubt the majority are allowed to do so. I don't see how this would be a pipe dream. Isn't 1 gram per watt an accurate rate once you have experience? Even if I only ever achieve .5 GPW, that would still be more than enough I would smoke or need to pay bills.
its 1g per watt TOTAL not per plant. but if you can pull off 5.2 lbs every 4 weeks with a 600w im sure alot of folks on here are listening.


Active Member
plenty of good tips above regarding sellling dreasm go. an your not keen on advice to get passt grow 1 first. thats all im leaving this thread with.


Well-Known Member
so you can either grow one large plant or 10 small ones either way the 1g per was if for an entire grow, and your thinking of doing a 4 week perpetual so cut that down to 1/2 g per watt per harvest...still 2.6 lbs every 4 weeks from a 600w will be an amazing accomplishment. hell a 16oz every 4 weeks would be an amazing acomplishment.

im not trying to flush your expectations down the shitter m8 but i would be surprised to see anything over 8 oz each harvest....8 oz is a good yeild for that setup and will still take alot of carefull planning anf making sure your ducks are in order....not to mention genetics and thier HUGE roll they play on yeild.


Well-Known Member
i have been growing almost 4 years now....i dont have the best setup but i also am not growing with sitting at about 4-6 oz every 2-3 weeks under a 1kw

im sure with a bit more fine tuning i could bring that up to every 4 weeks lets say 10 OZ from 1k watt and generally 2 pretty happy with that and feel that i am doing fairly decent....


Active Member
I must have misunderstood how gram per watt worked. I thought when people mentioned theirs it was per PLANT not the entire harvest. It doesn't make sense mentioning your GPW if you don't mention your setup.

I even thought 5.2 lbs per 4 weeks was a bit too much.

Also @curiousuk, I am not being ignorant when you say I should get past the 1st grow THEN ask questions. Usually when someone asks a question, they want a real answer rather than a piece of advice that is obvious. Who REALLY wants to be stuck with 5.2lbs (btw keyword STUCK, as in you can't sell it or smoke it)?


Active Member
Lmao 2400 grams out of 600 water don't we all wish! Hitting a gram a watt will take you a couple years of trial and error that's for sure. It's not something that can happen in the first grow with no experience.


Well-Known Member
one gram per watt is not reasonable. you have six plants so figure on a couple ounces per plant under optimum conditions. don't sell to your buddies on school grounds. I never do sales. I only grow and there's enough risk in that for me. and I don't smoke the buds either. I smoke the kief that comes from the trim that's left over. its stronger, you only need a silk screen to sift it over. okee dokee?


Active Member
LOL I needed a good laugh today.. You gotta grow the weed first, BEFORE you start selling it Scarface.
It was a hypotheical question, and I sure wasn't asking HOW do I sell. I was asking how many people do sell. I got my calculations right but I misunderstood the concept of GPW. Obviously if you made the same mistake you would be astonished you would have so much every 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Your calculations are off due to your lack of understanding of the growing methods.

You're going to have 12 plants under 600w. You're only going to have 6 for the first 4 weeks.

To pull 4 oz per plant, youre going to have to veg them for several weeks. And if you veg them for several weeks, you ain't fitting 6 more in there once the originals stretch.

6 plants with 4-8 weeks veg will cover every inch of useable light in a 600w's effective area (around 3' X 3')

Even if you did. The 6 new plants you squeezed in there would only have been growing for 4 weeks max. You'd better be using cuttings because you aint pulling 4 zips per plant 4 weeks from seed. But they wouldn't fit. They would get no light, the whole thing would be a mess and youd end up with mostly airy, light buds that don't sell. If youre lucky, the few colas that were able to get in the light wont be rotted out from botrytis.

A "Sea of Green" is a perpetual method. You focus on low yields from a lot of plants rather than high yields from fewer plants. You cant have both.

If you get 12oz from your first harvest under a 600w, youre doing well. I would plan for 8.

If you want to do a perpetual harvest do 2 plants every 4 weeks. That is doable and you could 4-8oz per harvest. Thats up to a pound a month, which is about 1g/watt and would be impressive and/or lucky for anyone with little experience.