how many people use 100 gallon fabric pots and watering habits?

Just checked my girls yesterday.... still stretching. View attachment 4658517
Wow what is that regular tree in the background there? That white/silver/light green one? That looks amazing, not sure if its just the way the light is hitting it or what but that looks super cool.

Plant looks perfect too, I love how naturally this plant grows into a perfect ball, looks like its been hedge clipped/manicured professionally (I guess it has though!-- But you know what I mean, landscaping hedge style.)
Mine get about 4 gallons every morning. Ended up with about 2 yards of extra organic mix from a big batch that I made for my mom this year so I decided to upsize from 65s. So happy I did, but again this is all organic so I rely heavily on the soil and top dressings. Have a friend that grew an 11’ tree in a 15 gallon pot using bottles, but they required multiple feedings daily.
I started growing in 65s as well as a 100 ive found the 65s very hard to find a watering system that works started watering them 5 gallons every 2-3 days but find them drooping and the soil getting dry within a day or so between feedings/ watering got any advice?
Mine get about 4 gallons every morning. Ended up with about 2 yards of extra organic mix from a big batch that I made for my mom this year so I decided to upsize from 65s. So happy I did, but again this is all organic so I rely heavily on the soil and top dressings. Have a friend that grew an 11’ tree in a 15 gallon pot using bottles, but they required multiple feedings daily.