how many plants can i fit in a 1.5 ft deep, 2.5 ft wide and 5.6 high closet?


Active Member
i have a wardrobe that has the dimensions above. how many plants would you say i could fit in here for flower state. i have a smaller closet for veg filled with cfls and this for flower.

thanks in advance :)


Well-Known Member
for me just 1, but if you keep them small maby 3? what light are you useing?


Active Member
for me just 1, but if you keep them small maby 3? what light are you useing?
thats the problem, im using a 400 so heat WILL be a problem so im still working that out.

the bigger wardrobe i got from a friend was fucked and just went tits up so ive had to down grade what im growing in.


Well-Known Member
in cm i make you space roughly 45cm X 75cm X 170 cm
if it was my space i would scrog 2 in there. 1 might be better. i like more plants incase i wreck one as im still a noob


Well-Known Member
shit that is small for that light, cant you make a biger grow box out of MDF? as with that light you could grow 3 big plants in an 3'x2' as i did sum time ago.


Well-Known Member
Wow a 400 is alot for that space. Definitely air-cooled hood I'd say. Heat is your enemy.