how many plants have you fit under a 400 hps.


Well-Known Member
dam 28 , the reason i stopped at 13 was beause i didnt want them to be under developed. i did add the 3 100 watt hps to my grow for side lighting. 400 above and surrounded by 300 im hoping its gonna give it that extra oomph. out of the 13 plants i have now. one is a deffinite male, 6 are deffinite females and 6 more are seedlings. anyone know how long before flowering it is ok to cropp and mess with the plant. im about to start flowering on these 2 plaants tonight. also i started the 8 hours dark yesterday, is this going to help or hurt my plants?


Well-Known Member
I have some underdeveloped plants, I might pull an onion from 3 or 4 plants. I didn't really want thatg many, but i just grew them out... it's my first try.. what the fuck do i know?lol

dam 28 , the reason i stopped at 13 was beause i didnt want them to be under developed. i did add the 3 100 watt hps to my grow for side lighting. 400 above and surrounded by 300 im hoping its gonna give it that extra oomph. out of the 13 plants i have now. one is a deffinite male, 6 are deffinite females and 6 more are seedlings. anyone know how long before flowering it is ok to cropp and mess with the plant. im about to start flowering on these 2 plaants tonight. also i started the 8 hours dark yesterday, is this going to help or hurt my plants?


Well-Known Member
i just went and bought clonex solution a humidity dome , rooting gel, and the cubes anyone actually know how to use em?


Well-Known Member
i'm pretty sure you snip a piece of a branch put the gel on it and stick it in a cocofiber block under the humidity dome and keep it warm and moist. put it on a heating pad and mist the clones a few times a day.


Well-Known Member
im keeping a gallon mixed with the clonex solution so i get the same stuff every time. and i have em under a low intensity four foot t8, am i bsupposed to have the top vents open or shut on the dome?


Well-Known Member
I got same size area for my flowering chamber. I got twelve plants in there under one 400 watt hps. To tell you the truth I kinda hope that I have a couple of males, so I can have more room. Not only am I running out of horizontal space, I'm worried about the height. My plants have only been on 12/12 for six days now and most are over three foot tall. A little to much stretching because the limited space.
I had four with balls so I'm left with eight. Looks like I have plenty of room now.


Well-Known Member
man i hate males. i ordered violator kush, white label white deisel, and g13xhaze, all femenized. i cant wait. hey has anyone gotten males when they grew femenized seeds? or are they really 100 % female like they say?


man i hate males. i ordered violator kush, white label white deisel, and g13xhaze, all femenized. i cant wait. hey has anyone gotten males when they grew femenized seeds? or are they really 100 % female like they say?
i have heard of it happening... but it is few and far between with reputable seed suppliers...

and to chime in on your original question; i normally had about 10-12 plants at once under a 400... but it dropped down to about 6-8 after males are pulled...

as far as for when to harvest, look in here