How Many Plants Per Meter Sq?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering how many plants would be recomended for a spot that is roughley 5m by 4m. last harvest was my 1st and plants didnt grow as well as expected so was lookin at putting more in this time. any one know what a good ratio woutd be?


Active Member
As an American, let me just say I am embarrased that many people in this country, don't know how long a meter is. For some reason we still think that "standard" makes more sense, while for the entire rest of the world metric is standard. About your original question, it depends of course on what growing meathod you are going to be using. you have to decide if you want a few large plants, or a lot of little ones.

good luck


Well-Known Member
As an American, let me just say I am embarrased that many people in this country, don't know how long a meter is. For some reason we still think that "standard" makes more sense, while for the entire rest of the world metric is standard. About your original question, it depends of course on what growing meathod you are going to be using. you have to decide if you want a few large plants, or a lot of little ones.

good luck
i know its around 3 feet ... i'm embarrassed you can't spell embarrassed even with spell-check :/ .. i'd rather have metric


Well-Known Member
well in nz out door is the majority of weed. i am hoping the plant will rech around 1.5-2 meters (6ft). not too sure on what method i lust plant them in a soil compost mix and let them grow watering every 2-3 weeks. yea americans must be good at there math it is way easyer to worh things out using the metric system. i was thinking of around 25 plants but not sure. last year the plants didnt have much foilage but think that was due to lack of nitrogen and small hholes


Well-Known Member
yeah a lot of americans are SO STUPID ... I can say I am not one of them .. but go to youtube and look up stupid america . its bad .. real bad ..... but instead of tall plants you can scrog them or LST them for short more foliaged plants


Well-Known Member
haha what is scrog? but yea its better for th plant to be tall in this spot fof it will get more light


Well-Known Member
haha what is scrog? but yea its better for th plant to be tall in this spot fof it will get more light
i didnt know if that was a problem or not (sunlight) .. scrog is just like expanding your plants to grow alot more bud .. i can't explain it i just know the basic concept .. try searching it for better info