how many plants to 400hps lamp


Active Member
hey everyone, this is my first grow, I have 13 plants in my closet, will my 400 hps be enough I am usin it for veg and flowering


Active Member
ok how long do i have to get more lights before i see some drastic changes. I have just transplanted 11 plants between yetersday and today, and i am tired, and worried cause i dont want to loose any due to not enough light


Well-Known Member
You will have enough light if you flower them when they are small and you will lose probably half of the plants due to them being male. You will probably end up with just enough plants for the light you are using. You can top them to keep them short and if you need to, you can LST them to keep them all the same height so the light will be as close as possible. Do a search for topping and LST. There is alot of things you can do that will help.


Active Member
thanks was wondering should i get some flours lights to inhance to 400hps i have, i have two that are 3wks old and 11 2wks old the closet is full everything is in its final pot i am just worried about the light being sufficient. i tested the ph it is good all plants i am very careful on watering don't want to overdue it, the humidity is about 50 i have a humidifier in there, the temp is about 81, and i love on them often. My husband and I slept in there last night, they are in sons bedroom he's away at college, ha, ha, didn't want to waste the spare space. I love my grow room, its peacful, comfortable, clean, we repoted plants,while watchint tv, on the laptop, taking pictures, i cleaned up vacumed, took out the garbage, Man this is our first grow, and I love it is great!!!!:hump: