How many plants would i need to grow to harvest 6 pounds every month?


Active Member
we can't tell you how to grow 6lbs, best thing u can do is go big when u get started and adjust from there

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
The Tennessee pot cave idea was stupid. They should have had a legitimate front for the power usage and immigrant workers (eg; small factory) on the property. Heavy machinery and welding equipment uses a shit load of power and would have been a good way to mask activity on the site. I've always liked the idea of going underground but when you are talking about those quantities you couldn't do it all yourself so you would have to involve other people. You can't trust people when it comes to drugs.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I was getting a lb every three months out of 2 x 400W HPS in a closet hydro system. You could buy 18 closet setups and get 6 lb per month. You could vegetate 1 plant on 18/6 for 3 years in a barn and flower it under 10kw of HID, harvesting half a ton. I wonder if that would work? Fuck that plant would drink. bongsmilie