How Many Plants?


Active Member
Whats up my fellow growers and smokers:blsmoke: well im new to this site well actually not really n e ways couple questions for the experts i have a room 11'X8'x6' i have 2 600w hps that i want to put into this room and so my questions of course how many plants? can i fit in this room with a decent yeild?


Well-Known Member
I talked with a hydro expert last week and he said it's not about the number of plants but the lights. My room is the same size and he recommended two 1000W HPS, which cover a 4x4 area, each. He said one plant under each light should produce 1-2 lbs. He also said if I went with three or four in the same 4x4 area it would produce about 1-2 lbs total. So, apparently it's all about the lights. Although, like you, I want to go SOg in there, throw some light son them and see what happens for myself. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
raw333 003.jpg I hope this helps. This is two 600w, looks to be about 22-24 plants under them. With a little extra space, though the plants intermingle from time to time/often.


View attachment 1768677 I hope this helps. This is two 600w, looks to be about 22-24 plants under them. With a little extra space, though the plants intermingle from time to time/often.
yep. 2 600w lights will cover 24 plants in 5 gallon (soil) containers very well. Figure you have about 1200/50 = 24sq ft, where 50w/sq ft is the desired goal. Some would go as low as 40w/sq ft, and that would give you a few more. A "5 gallon nursery pot" is really about 4 real gallons, and is 12" in diameter.


Active Member
I talked with a hydro expert last week and he said it's not about the number of plants but the lights. My room is the same size and he recommended two 1000W HPS, which cover a 4x4 area, each. He said one plant under each light should produce 1-2 lbs. He also said if I went with three or four in the same 4x4 area it would produce about 1-2 lbs total. So, apparently it's all about the lights. Although, like you, I want to go SOg in there, throw some light son them and see what happens for myself. Hope that helps.
really eh 1 plant under 1 1000W hps would produce 1-2 pounds thats pretty impressive if you ask me makes me kinda wonder i think im going to try 14-16 plants under 2 600w but was asking for others sudgestions also want to try a scrog


Active Member
I talked with a hydro expert last week and he said it's not about the number of plants but the lights. My room is the same size and he recommended two 1000W HPS, which cover a 4x4 area, each. He said one plant under each light should produce 1-2 lbs. He also said if I went with three or four in the same 4x4 area it would produce about 1-2 lbs total. So, apparently it's all about the lights. Although, like you, I want to go SOg in there, throw some light son them and see what happens for myself. Hope that helps.
1,000 watter covers more area than that.a 400 mh covers 4 foot exactly.a 1,ooo watter will do 8x8 easy.I mean more lumens is better so if you have 1,000 watters overlaping at the 4 foot point then your going to get more yield and penetrate the canopy more.but for lumens output per watt a 600 blows it away.just covers less in turn if you clustered 600's closer then your lumens would be kick ass!


Active Member
Whats up my fellow growers and smokers:blsmoke: well im new to this site well actually not really n e ways couple questions for the experts i have a room 11'X8'x6' i have 2 600w hps that i want to put into this room and so my questions of course how many plants? can i fit in this room with a decent yeild?
600 watt light puts out more lumens per watt.its better in numbers than a lone 1,000 watter.use what you have and you will be rolling in the dope :)


Active Member
yep. 2 600w lights will cover 24 plants in 5 gallon (soil) containers very well. Figure you have about 1200/50 = 24sq ft, where 50w/sq ft is the desired goal. Some would go as low as 40w/sq ft, and that would give you a few more. A "5 gallon nursery pot" is really about 4 real gallons, and is 12" in diameter.

thats awsome 24 plants right on im planning on using a promix perlite mixture with some gh nutes these are my plans anyways lol i realize its kinda hard to say how much i will yeild but say i put 16 plants what numbers u think i could reach seeing its a frist grow


Active Member
yeah ive been told a 600 puts out more per watt then a 1000 24 seems like a lot of plants but then again the more the better or mayb not i think im going to try a 14 - 16 plant with a like experimenting with a scrog

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
1,000 watter covers more area than that.a 400 mh covers 4 foot exactly.a 1,ooo watter will do 8x8 easy.I mean more lumens is better so if you have 1,000 watters overlaping at the 4 foot point then your going to get more yield and penetrate the canopy more.but for lumens output per watt a 600 blows it away.just covers less in turn if you clustered 600's closer then your lumens would be kick ass!
a 1000 watter covers 8x8 easy. no it wont.


Well-Known Member
First off the easy thing, 600 watts lights are the most efficient, they produce more lumens per watt.
With that size grow area and wanting to use allot of plants i thnk sea of green may be a btter choice, you may have prblems trying to ScrOg taht big an area.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, i would want no less than 40 watts per square foot. I used 2 1k lights on a 5x10 area and considered adding more.


Active Member
my bad i didnt mean scrOg the hole room i rlly want to try and scrOg mayb 4 plants and just let the rest b well itll be interesting to see what im going to do i have kush and a strian of nugget i think


Well-Known Member
Running two 600 watters no matter how you scrog, sog, top, fim or lst isn't going to produce a lot. I'll take a guess and say 2 ounces per plant. Wish I could be more optimistic and if someone knows how to up those numbers please link me to some hard data. Rumors and second hand information doesn't cut it.


New Member
please stop. no it will not. thats not the right info. just stop sir, im about to cry if u keep saying it will. so please stop.
hey mongo when i made my very first grow indoor i ran 2000 watts in a sealed room the size was 12 x 18 and had 72 plants in there 2000 watts grew them depending on your reflectors and how well you designed your room mylar etc light reflections bouncing off walls i was very very impressed although i kept adding lights from that grow on :))


New Member
Running two 600 watters no matter how you scrog, sog, top, fim or lst isn't going to produce a lot. I'll take a guess and say 2 ounces per plant. Wish I could be more optimistic and if someone knows how to up those numbers please link me to some hard data. Rumors and second hand information doesn't cut it.
your absolutly right i looked at 600 watt bulbs compared to a 1000 watt bulb its apples to oranges sire 600 watt bulbs produce amasing lumen per watt percentage
but when you put a 600 watt under lets say 4 plants and a 1000 watter on jus for plants with the 600 not being able to penetrate as the 1000 can
i had a 400 watter given to me for free its sitting on the self why ??? its only 200 less then a 600 but it was like watching paint dry thats how slow growth was

my friend uses 600 watter from the time we started litterally same time i was done my grow onto second when he was 2 weeks into flowering remember we started same time lol that my friends is what its all about and what most growers want fast times not messing around
if you think about it people say you save on 600 watter on electricity how can you say that when actualy its taking you longer for instance what i do 3 - 4 " clone under 1000's in 2 weeks there 16 - 18 " high goin into flower lol love to see how tall they are on 600's

