How many plots?


Active Member
I was thinking of planting around 40 or so autoflowering plants that include- ak47, diesel ryder, white widow, white russian, and ak47xhindu kush. My question is how many different plots do i need? Im going to grow on my farm which has plenty of woods and doesnt get that much foot traffic in the areas i plan to plant. Also, would 40 be too many just for personal use? Im going to college next year and I wanted to have a good supply for summer and for a couple of years with some variety.


66 north

Well-Known Member
I don't know if 40 would be enough or not there are alot of parties at collage I would double that amount .:sleep:


Active Member
really, thats a shit load of money in soil, pots, and the most costly thing- seeds

I figure if i get at least 30g a plant thats 1200g or roughly 2 pds a fucking ton of weed

That still doesnt even answer my question. how many can be bucnhed together?