How many pots in 2 metres high 1,2 wide 1,2 long tent Please help


Active Member
Got a tent 2 metres high 1,2 wide 1,2 long and 10 pots each 20 litre . how many of them can I use???? WILL grow Barneys LSD and I want to try LST?????


I had the same size , had a 8 pot wilma which is too big , but saying that just depends if you want big ass plants , am sure not enough room hindered my last grow , remember just to give yourself enough head room swell pants can 2x 3x their size on stage 2


Active Member
hmm so what you propose I got Air pots 20L now its my first grow and I see that I put too many and another mistake 3 different ones amnesia lemon x5 red dragon x 3 and peperjack x1 .


Active Member
i have same tent with wilma big 4 pot 18l pots with 600w h.p.s air cooled any more than 4 and you will be crowded unless you keep them small.

would advise air cooled and not cool tube as poor light spread temps get high with 600w.