how many pounds will i get????

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
Make sure to spray with skunk urine once it flowers. Its a great way to get that skunk smell on your buds, and it doubles your yield in one week.


Well-Known Member
Prolly get pounded in prison a bunch when the stink off that monstor makes its way to the cop shop. You need a huge squirrel cage fan with modified ducting and at least 2 that's right 2 12' carbon filters. Personally I'd chop it and and start over with something more manageable.

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Well-Known Member
Don't forget when your sexing the plant to put a condoms on the plant and spray liberally with spermicide,
that will stop all the pesky seeds, don't recycle your used condoms makes the buds taste like jism, unless you like that sorts thing!
lools like you do but who am I to judge, peace mr. Jizzy jiz!


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention, to strengthen that stem up, make sure you put a fan on her, it may cut the top off, but you will get two colas instead of one. So you get a stronger stem and the plant gets topped too.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck ever you do DO NOT let the temp get above 80F you will spontaneously com-bust and your baby will DIE DIE DIE cannabis dies instantly over 80 degrees, no exceptions.


Well-Known Member
Naw man stick with the mag light ! You have to energizer batteries though! They will energize at least an extra pound and 2.5 candle power ! If you can get a strobe light it makes the buds more frosty too, it makes them pop a molly and start sweating ! Hence go into a rave like state and sweat more crystals !