How many times a day do you go into your grow space?

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Well-Known Member
For me it all depends if I'm working or off. Weekdays I go in two or three time before leaving for work and probably the same after work. Weekends, I can't get enough of looking at them and probably go in at least ten times a day. The sight of growing marijuana will never cease to amaze and delight me, especially during flowering.


Well-Known Member
Haha yea bro mines 12/12 from seeds and lights on at night in the 12 hours of light ill look in there about 6 times lol there buds getting fatter every second lol


Well-Known Member
like once a day just to water and make sur everything is working.. other then that i dont bother the girls while they work


Well-Known Member
my tents in my room so i stick my head in there like fourty times a day. sometimes i just catch myself standing there thinking about absolutely nothing and just enjoying the company of a few pretty ladies,


Well-Known Member
my tents in my room so i stick my head in there like fourty times a day. sometimes i just catch myself standing there thinking about absolutely nothing and just enjoying the company of a few pretty ladies,
I feel ya man! I got a pair of sun glasses so I could sit with them and literally watch them grow, most of the time with a good joint :joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm good for at least a dozen times a day. Not that they need any tending to; I just love looking at them that much.


Well-Known Member
im in my grow room many many times a day. i cant get enough of looking at my beauties. if im @ work im thinking bout them. its a love affair that will never go cheezy huh??lol


Active Member
i stay watch them all day..thinking fof nothing just watch them, crazy nah?
my girlfriend told me i stay with my plants more than being with her..hihi


Well-Known Member
Way too often. I can't help but go in there and get a big sniff of my ladies.. They got a nice little smell to em. Can't wait to smell them when they're flowering.

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Well-Known Member
im in my grow room many many times a day. i cant get enough of looking at my beauties. if im @ work im thinking bout them. its a love affair that will never go cheezy huh??lol

Nah, not cheesy at all, I know what you mean. It's just past five thirty, fifteen minutes until I can see my girls this morning. I'm at work thinking of them too, I dream about them all day long. In the summer driving to work you can see the clouds building, I imagine them to be buds sticking out of the top of my grow. Now that's crazy.


Well-Known Member
im the same, were all obsessive. good thing really if i didnt i wouldnt off spotted that hermie. BOLLOCKS!!

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hi Guys, got to reading this thread and nearly fell outta my chair! ALL this time I thought it was just me, lol.
Yes, it would seem that a lot of us have this common bond of being addicted to the sheer wonder of these beautiful girls. My patio grow allows me to have an elevated deck at one end & I spend 10 hours a day out there from around mid-June til mid October. (& yes, i'm retired, lol).

pix below are view from the deck.

Good luck & good grow.....BBbongsmilie

