How many times to use Clearex


Well-Known Member
I'v bought 2 bottles of clearex to use in some of my soil that I had used last year to leach the mineral salts out.The plants aren't doing very well.About one third smaller than ones in fresh soil.

My question to anyone who's used clearex is how many soaks should I use? And can you overuse this stuff like nutes and damage plants?

I'v used the max (15 ml per gallon) it says on the directions.


Well-Known Member
Use it how it says on the far as old soil id say throw it out and get new shit
I did follow instructions as far as mixing.How many flushes should I do to really leach the mineral salts out?

To much work for 80 holes next year to drag 80 new progro bales back there.Maybe replace one third the hole.If it was just a few holes,then yeah,I'd fully replace the soil.


Well-Known Member
if i was flushing soil like that id run like 5 gallons of water to every gallon of soil
I think you mean flushing if you over feed and burn with nutes.That happened to me quite a few times.I just flushed with water.They got over it.

This is different.I don't think the mineral salt buildup flushes as easy as actually fertilizer(nitrogen,Phospherus,Potassium) in the soil with a simple flush.


Well-Known Member
it should with the clearex
I flushed about 30 plants yesterday.I'll do more tommorrow.I'll do those ones already done again next week.

I can't see damage done with flushing more than once.What do u think?It's not like nute burn,right?

It doesn't say on the directions how many times soil should be flushed.


Well-Known Member
after the first time u hit them with clearex hit them two times with straight water.Make sure they dry way out