How many Widows to fill screen?

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Well-Known Member
Hi People,

I just got my seeds and I am trying to figure out how many I should germ for my next grow. I have grown 5 plants in my cabinet a few times (SCROG Hydro 400w) but this time I got some Original White Widow and looking at some grows online I see this plant will bush more than what I am used to. You can check link in sig to see my cabinet. Its 36" by 18" with 30" of grow height.

I am thinking I wont need so many. When I grow the apollo strain with the size containers I use, It takes five plants to fill the screen with a 30 day veg.

Has anyone grown WW and Apollo and can tell me the size difference? They look pretty close in height. I got five fem WW from greenhouse seeds. I also got 5 fem train wreck and five fem Super silver haze. Maybe a mix?

Any Idea's


Well-Known Member
Well, 17 views and no opinions.

Hell with it. I'm poppin all five.

If it's too many I will train them up the sides and back.

Thanks anyway.


Active Member
nice job, yea thats the only thing i would try next time, train them and just watch your nute level a little more probably get some better flavor. Keep up the good work. Also watch out for hotspots with that reflector cant tell from the pic but i hope thats mylar


Well-Known Member
Hi Cloudnine,

Thanks, Yea I was watching a utube video today and these guys were flushing between weekly res changes. Unlocks the plants salts and they use the nutes much better. Good Idea.

Hotspots? I took the reflector fins off a cool tube, Its that german stuff. I got a standard size cool tube and a 1000w hid setup im not using right now. Really the only custom part about that was the brackets.

The cabinet is lined with that foil-bubble type insulation and I have Mylar where the plants can use it. I thought about hotspots but there is no flat piece with all the air pockets in it. Still, I guess its possible.


Well-Known Member
I've grown WW for years. I JUST started a batch that's about the size you quoteper individual tray (Although I have more heigth) as a SCROG grow. I normally run 12 plants in 2 trays under a 400W HPS, but for this SCROG experiment I only setup 6 clones per double tray, spaced as widely as possible. It's way too early to tell yet, I'm hoping to get a better yield per tray, but I hadn't thought what the result would be at full load, We'll see.
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