How much Alchohol do you drink (honestly folks)?


New Member
haha i know what hes talkin about, its like when you arrive late to a party an everyone's rollin or on coke n you notice just how fucked up people actually look. all the while lying to yourself that you don't look that fucked up when your high.....

a very sobering experience
right??!! U look at them and you say to urself... is that what I look like?

Lol I declined a drink on my wedding, I only drink on special occasions.
Hahahah.... OUCH!!!


Well-Known Member
Years ago I was talking to a physisist and he was not drinking a the party. I asked him if I could get him one... he just smiled and said in the past he would have said yes, but he came to the realization that he'd rather "think than drink". I thanked him... it was a nice lesson given with a sober smile.
He was a smart man.
that sums it up best for me . . . I liked the feeling, but the fact that I couldn't think with it like I can with cannabis inevitably caused me to shun the stuff out of my life entirely.

I can barely even finish a second beer, start feeling sick, and the feeling is overwhelming in general.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I dont like the feeling of being "not in control"..... like when I drink, I can become an asshole, I stumble around, I slur when I talk, etc.... When i smoke I can still converse with clients, i can get shit done, i can work, I can do anything! It just enhances everything and makes things more fun, bearable.... and when I want to relax, i skmoke and just become more relaxed... Ihate alchohol


Well-Known Member
I drink 4/5 days a week, 2 or 3 Bulmers pear cider. Its really refreshing after a days work.
To be honest I only started drinking a few months ago.

grow space

Well-Known Member
IM WASTED!!!!5-7 beers, il like..iis nice!!!!!!one vodka....yeaaaa.......I drink small time,...I smoke big time!!!!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
i use to drink a 5th of jack daniels like it was nothing, then i cut back on liquor all together and now i barely even drink but i can still put them back like a champ