yeah thats about it, i used a 5lt wine jug set it aside with an air stone to add o2 and help with the compost. a few days should be long enough but ive used from 12hrs to a bit over a week. depends when it needs to be watered, soil got dry quick @100°+ days. ive never overdone it using teas, im sure others will say different... in the past i useed aquarium water with eggshells coffee grinds apple peals onionskins avacado skins scraps. they all have their own chemical breakdown. i just tried to match what i used with what she needed. didnt really test the ph the tea gets kinda brown so the strips dont work but some lemon or citrus skins is what i used to add acidity. otheradvice is to cut things up small enough to pour freely outof the bottle mouth so you can start fresh and always strain the junk before you use it.