How much decarbed bud do you usually consume?

Dragon Daddy

Well-Known Member
I have a high tolerance I consume about 2 grams a day sometimes up to 5 if I’m getting stoned. I smoke, vape, and dab rosin, but I’m trying to stop smoking.

I bought an Ardent FX and I wanted to know how much of the fully decarbed bud someone like me would need to eat?I have never been high off an edible. Only felt my eyes tingle.

I was thinking somewhere around 2-5 grams but I am not sure if that would be too much. I know they say to go low and slow starting out but I’m pretty sure my tolerance is very high.

any help is appreciated.

Some people’s liver’s don’t metabolize THC.
I don’t think that’s that case my man. I appreciate the quick response.

I think in my case it would probably be that I bought them from a person who wasn’t as interested in making strong ones. They may have made them for people who aren’t hardcore stoners not to mention that if they’re selling them they aren’t trying to put too much bud in them that they don’t make a profit.
You know the stories.
It’s not hitting so they eat another one just as the first one hits.

in my experience, there’s no way to truly formulate unless you know the exact THC content of the bud you’re using.
I decarb an ounce at 220° and simmer in 1 lb of butter for a half hour and one teaspoon gets people wasted.
Don’t eat them myself.
Edible stuff is weird and definitely can be connected to body chemistry/genetics.

I have a friend who I smoke with all the time, we have pretty similar tolerances.

but with edibles he has to take 10-15x what I do to feel them.
It’s basically guess and check, especially if you have a high tolerance. I have a high tolerance for edibles/tinctures/RSO and every time I get a new product I basically have to take a high dose and figure out if it’s too high. Figured out my threshold for a new tincture is 7ml (34mg per ml), that was a hell of an evening lol.
I decarb one ounce at a time in my Ardent and then infuse 2 cups of MCT oil with the bud. I have a moderately high tolerance and 1/2 tablespoon of the oil lights me up pretty well. That is nowhere near the equivalent of 5 grams.
I found that edibles tolerance and smoking tolerance don't always track each other. I tried to quit smoking by eating edibles also, and the longer I ate them, the more I had to eat, until it about settled out. Later on, I went back to smoking and got off the edibles for a few months, then went back to edibles on my regular dose and lost my mind.

For sleep, I eat about a gram at 8pm and still have a bit of buzz when I wake up.

I'd say start with half a gram if you aren't worried about getting blasted, although it's probably safe. If you wanna be cautious, maybe a quarter gram.

Don't compare mg on packs of edibles with any calculated mg in your own edibles. A gram of 15% THC cannabis that's been decarbed should theoretically contain around 150mg of THC-A, and that's what I eat at night. But I can get decently buzzed off a 25mg gummy.

Sort of a related point, High times did an article on the most efficient way to decarb, but when I did the math it looked like they were losing half the THC during the decarb/extraction. But I suspect my math is off because eating straight decarbed weed doesn't seem to be much less efficient than eating butter. To me at least.
So you’re saying a decent amount is lost during the decarb?

I was just doing that math last week trying to figure out how much decarb bud would be equivalent to a 10mg gummy. I wasn’t accounting for anything being lost though.
I have a high tolerance I consume about 2 grams a day sometimes up to 5 if I’m getting stoned. I smoke, vape, and dab rosin, but I’m trying to stop smoking.

I bought an Ardent FX and I wanted to know how much of the fully decarbed bud someone like me would need to eat?I have never been high off an edible. Only felt my eyes tingle.

I was thinking somewhere around 2-5 grams but I am not sure if that would be too much. I know they say to go low and slow starting out but I’m pretty sure my tolerance is very high.

any help is appreciated.

An ounce of good bud contains 3 to 4 grams of active ingredient. Let’s use 4 grams of active ingredient per 28 grams of decarbed bud as an example. .875 gram of bud would give you a 125mg dose.
So you’re saying a decent amount is lost during the decarb?

I was just doing that math last week trying to figure out how much decarb bud would be equivalent to a 10mg gummy. I wasn’t accounting for anything being lost though.

I'm not saying anything with any real confidence, so don't quote me or even believe me.

I first got suspicious eating my girlfriend's brownies. She throws weed into cake mix and cooks it according to package directions, and it worked as well as any attempt I made to create butter using thermometers and timers and all different kinds of directions from the internet.

The best data I found was a high times article called "Cannabutter Experiment: Cannabutter Preparation Method Comparisons". They started with half an ounce that tested about 12% THCA and 4.6% THC. 14.17 grams x (12% + 4.6%) = about 2.35 grams of THC total. Method 1, which they declared the most efficient, produced 116 grams of butter at about 10mg/g of THC, or 1.16 grams of THC. Even after accounting for the 13% difference in molar mass they still lost like a third of their THC and never mentioned it in any way.

But I don't know chemistry, I make calculation mistakes, and this is my only dataset. I'd love to just find out where I'm wrong so I can stop thinking about this.