How Much DMT?

the streets is similar 2 the corporate world. u got the ppl makin a few pounds and sellin pounds of it to smaller ppl. why do u think its so much of a bigger deal than that?

I admitted before, I've never dealt with over 1 gram of DMT at a time, but I guarantee you, DMT is one of the harder drugs to come by, more expensive, etc. It takes a lot of time and a lot of money to produce a LB of DMT, and when you are selling LBs of DMT, after the first one you should be able to retire. I'm really drunk disregard all previuous posts I log ofgood night RIU.
Never really held weight of DMT, I admit, the most DMT I ever dealt with was a gram, but at one point I had a LB of some really decent meth and I paid for my addictions with it. Overall I did about a half oz of the meth to myself, I was slingin not addict-ing. I can't imagine the comparison between having a pound of meth and a pund of DMT. I can tell you which you can move faster though.

not 4 me. if i wanna flip DMT i kno where i can unload weight. but ice i only kno ppl that buy retail.
not 4 me. if i wanna flip DMT i kno where i can unload weight. but ice i only kno ppl that buy retail.

I can tell by your tone, you haven't been where I've been. I've been at the top and I've been at rock bottom, and you're just a kid trying drugs. Quit talking where you aren't experienced.
Well the way it works is the people who have a pund are not the peopel average joe buys from. Average joe buy at most an 8 ball, nd average joe 'drug dealer; has at most a QP. I don't know anyone that deals in puinds of DMT. I roll KCMO with a few guys who know the area well and can get some really good acid and the dankest of weed with one phone call. Sheets of acid and punds of weed, half punds of pure cocaine I'm talking. But, these guys in Kansas City Mizzou can't track down more than an OZ of DMT, and that's with 2 months notice. That's my position. This could be a local thing though.

but if the average joe drug dealer has QPs you can just sell to his dealer, if u kno him, and unload Ps...
but if the average joe drug dealer has QPs you can just sell to his dealer, if u kno him, and unload Ps...

99% of the time though, DMT street-level, consumer-level DMT guy does not have QP's he has OZs at most. QP is the most DMT I've seen in real life. The most I've ever had in my posession was a gram, and I made bank! but I'm done talking abou this shit.
I admitted before, I've never dealt with over 1 gram of DMT at a time, but I guarantee you, DMT is one of the harder drugs to come by, more expensive, etc. It takes a lot of time and a lot of money to produce a LB of DMT, and when you are selling LBs of DMT, after the first one you should be able to retire. I'm really drunk disregard all previuous posts I log ofgood night RIU.

its not about the money. its about puttin as many illegal drugs on the street, so the government sells less of theirs.
I can tell by your tone, you haven't been where I've been. I've been at the top and I've been at rock bottom, and you're just a kid trying drugs. Quit talking where you aren't experienced.

im not tryin drugs. its not like im shootin heroin. i just like my weed and hallucinogeons. no other substances are neccesary.
A QUARTER POUND???? Well I have seen and possessed 2 ounces, very very nice feeling, but 4 ounces is worth 250,000 dollars on the street. Jesus christ.

So we say you paid 1/10th of street value for your 2 zips. That will be 12,500 dollars for 2 zips of DMT. Damn, I'd be carrying a gun and bringing ten friends with me to that deal.
99% of the time though, DMT street-level, consumer-level DMT guy does not have QP's he has OZs at most. QP is the most DMT I've seen in real life. The most I've ever had in my posession was a gram, and I made bank! but I'm done talking abou this shit.

but obviously u only buy from ppl u kno. and so do i. but u just need 2 kno 1 person. if hes highup enough u can unload countless LBs
but obviously u only buy from ppl u kno. and so do i. but u just need 2 kno 1 person. if hes highup enough u can unload countless LBs

The problem is why the fuck deal with LB's. You can definitely make the same with a QP for less work in the extraction. It's all depentdent.
A QUARTER POUND???? Well I have seen and possessed 2 ounces, very very nice feeling, but 4 ounces is worth 250,000 dollars on the street. Jesus christ.

not where i live. everyone here has it. higher deman = higher supply = lower deman =dropped prices.
because i wanna put drugs on the street the government cant sell as many of there taxed drugs. it has never been about money.

That's irresponsible. The drugs you mass produce will get to kids who aren't ready for it, or will just plain get used in the wrong way. THINK. Fucking over the government DOES NOT have to include fucking over society at the same time.