How Much DMT?

Ah Blaznb, You and your cause. Spread the word brother.

u kno of the great fite 2 stop the drug war. by puttin drugs on the street we not only promote the use of them but make it impossible 4 the other side 2 win. it also raises money 2 further the great fite.
Gonna make a 2qt with Everclear in it. My roommate wants to prove to me that he can make Jungle Juice. We are from different areas of the state of Kansas, and this weekend he makes the jungle juice then next weekend I will make the jungle juice. Both times the main goal is to get a mutual friend way too fucked up. My contention is Jungle juice is a bottle of 70-80 proof vodka with a whole bunch of jolly ranchers just dropped into the bottle. His argument is Jungle juice is anything and everything sugary and fruit flavored [Kool-aid, gatorade...], including fresh fruit. I think both will have their benefits.

And on a side note, no gypsies will be at the party.

no gypsies? how lame. :(
Frecsa is the chilled equivalent of cat piss. If I had to rate the nastiest things I can think of, FRESCA is in the top ten.

EDIT: Jungle juice may vary. But it sounds like the roommate's definition of jungle juice is more widely accepted than mine... Then again, there are a lot of things from back home [phrases, etc.] that are not understood after the county line.

but wat about angels trumpet tea? def much nastier, rite?
With Kool-aid lemonade, country time lemonade, or the lemons and sugar type? On a side note, Everclear lemon jello shots were the worst of 4 flavors. Though I didn't waste too much time drinking those, I had some Admiral that night.

i hate drinkin anything but beer. i get 2 outa control with the strong shit.
Doses of 10 mg or more cause dangerous changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration, often accompanied by nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, and decreased awareness of pain.

but compared 2 the drugs we want off the streets like cracc meth and heroin, its still softcore. if u jus use it and dont abuse it its completely fine.
but compared 2 the drugs we want off the streets like cracc meth and heroin, its still softcore. if u jus use it and dont abuse it its completely fine.

Seems I was wrong about you, though you still have some out there ideas, they come from the right place. The drug war is already lost. They will continue to prosecute. But drugs will remain forever... We already won.
Seems I was wrong about you, though you still have some out there ideas, they come from the right place. The drug war is already lost. They will continue to prosecute. But drugs will remain forever... We already won.

haha thanks, i think. i actualy think they will be legal some day. i see it slowly happening every day. just look at the prohibition ere. and the prohibition on marijuana is slowly becoming more acceptable than alcohol. plus look at whats happening to cali. im neary positive that bills gunna pass 2 legalize recreational marijuana. and what happens in cali always slowly spreads 2 the rest of the world. the fite for marijuana rites isnt much dif from the fite for gay rites. and look how good thats turning out. XD
10 mg is an unnecessary dose but still common. Druggies dont have milligram scales. You don't have to abuse it to get 10mg or more.

druggies shouldnt be doing drugs anyway. there jus gunna abuse it. those of us who r trying to explore unchartered realms of our mind usualy have mg scales so they can calculate exactly how far they wanna go. thats who this drug is for. and 10mg aint guna hurt u.