How much do you estimate ill get?


Well-Known Member
its was 8 ounces ;D smoked it all already lol
i was high for like 3 weeks straight ;D
LOL this ^^ Is fucking STUPID.

i've been high for the past 2 YEARS, no breaks. i smoke on the average of 3G's a Day, thats an 8'th / Day (sometimes an OZ lasts up to 10 days...). you dont need to smoke 14 Grams a day to be high all day. (Which is what you did..... 8 OZ's = 225~ Grams in 14 days~)

learn to regulate your intake man. for god sakes.


Well-Known Member
LOL this ^^ Is fucking STUPID.

i've been high for the past 2 YEARS, no breaks. i smoke on the average of 3G's a Day, thats an 8'th / Day (sometimes an OZ lasts up to 10 days...). you dont need to smoke 14 Grams a day to be high all day. (Which is what you did..... 8 OZ's = 225~ Grams in 14 days~)

learn to regulate your intake man. for god sakes.
I call bullshit on the whole thing anyways.

If you can harvest, trim, dry, and smoke 8 ounces of weed in exactly 14 days almost to the hour, I'd like to meet you.

EDIT: He started this thread exactly 14 days ago asking a weight estimate and how much longer he had to go.


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit on the whole thing anyways.

If you can harvest, trim, dry, and smoke 8 ounces of weed in exactly 14 days almost to the hour, I'd like to meet you.

EDIT: He started this thread exactly 14 days ago asking a weight estimate and how much longer he had to go.
THAT Makes sense. for those too high to think (as i am), im starting to think this is some kids trying to be internet cool lmfao.


Well-Known Member
anyways, on to grown up discussions.....this one is obviously fadeing into the background with all the other BS thread's that people post to get attition


Well-Known Member
these threads are dumb as do understand theres no accurate way to guess your yield by pictures.

please go.
your dumb as fuck. if you dont like someones post then dont fucking read it, were all here to help people or try to not to be an ignorant prick so GTFO

regardless of wether its a bullshit post or not.


Well-Known Member
btw this wasnt a bullshit post just so you all know.!
i had to harvest it 2 weeks early as i was going to court for custody of my kid.
i dried it all out in 1 week then smoked it all and gave some to friends.
it had to all be gone before my court date
so thats what happened
i got a little over 8 ounces
sold some
smoked some
gave some to cliniks
overall it was cool
i loved the blueberry though that shit was bombaay lol
i didnt really like the pineapple that well so i sold it to a close by clinik
and the other 2 were decent lol
i noticed that the blueberry gave me a head high and thats what i like to smoke before i sleep ;D
so if you all this this is some kid your kinda right im 20 years old
so to some thats still considered a young kid for all you oldies out there ;D
and this post isnt for attention
i just wanted some kind inputs on my plants
kinda sucks i had to pull them early though
but whateversz
i won custody so im happy :D
now i wanna know some good strains to grow for a HEAVY HEAD HIGH!
any inputs?


Active Member
That is not a 7 foot plant. That's maybe a 5 foot plant, and not a very good looking one at that.


Active Member
And I also call more bs because if you only had 8 0z and you sold some, then you would have less then that and no club buys a few oz of pot. Maybe if you got a pound or two.


Well-Known Member
not true cause the clinik that was in south gate CA bought a few oz for $250
so itll be easy money for them
i was worried about it though i just needed the money lol