How much do you guys sell your homegrown for??

I like how the people that do sell their stash charge out the ass for it... You shouldn't charge as much as a street dealer when you're paying only a fraction of the price they are for your bud... That's just being greedy.

It's not being greedy. I've put a lot of time and effort and money into growing my plants. The weed I produce is better than what is readily available on the streets, so what's wrong with charging the going rate?
nothin wrong with sellin i mean ya its bad but think about it before u all started growing u would not have had weed if people didnt sell not all weed dealers are bad people some have a family and kids and need extra money to take care of they're family dont hate on all of them
It's not being greedy. I've put a lot of time and effort and money into growing my plants. The weed I produce is better than what is readily available on the streets, so what's wrong with charging the going rate?

I would say the risk involved would be my reason to sell it expensive. If I was working in any other dangerous line of work, wouldn't I expect a higher pay?
my guy donest sell by the gram but its 30 for 3.5 g 60 for 7 g 110 for 14g and 210 for 28g dont matter what the starin is except one him he had tuna kush and was charing if 35 for 3.5 70 for 7 140 for 14 and 260 for a oz but i thought he was crazy and never took any haha
325 an oz to dispensaries 375 to a patient. Period. If you can find the same quality for cheaper, get on the phone with them. kthxbye!
haha u guys are joking right. i make a good amount of money on the side sellling my homegrown. and i pretty much just sell to friends..

and i still have plenty to smoke...
No, not joking. We all grow for ourselves and it's illegal to sell so we don't sell anything. :peace:
I don't sell any but if I did it would just be to a few relatives and I would say 300 an ounce would be a big discount for what it's worth. If yours is as good as you say, 100 a quarter ounce would be very fair, that's under 15/gram.
yea selling weed is making it look like its bad.. grow it for yourself and close friends. thats just my opinion..
Nobody sells dime bags anymore who's in their right mind, it's too much exposure too often.

Also you're not a real friend to them if you rape them with retail street prices.
Hello all, first post here. If your selling for much cheaper then street prices wouldn't that be a hint to your buyer that you are growing it or close to the grower. Sounds like it might be a security issue. Now if your just hooking up a few close friends then that is little different.
I find a lot of double standards on this thread. people saying "selling pot is bad!" i think thats bullshit. i think we should all be able to sell as much pot as we want to. i would like to grow in fucking fields and export it all around the world. i think we should ALL be able too. if you dont think so, i think your an ASSHOLE :p it should be legal. dont bomb on people for selling something that we should all be able to sell. your just perpetuating the cycle of pot being illegal. that said. i dont sell my bud, its not because i think selling pot is bad. its because i cant get bud around here thats as good as what i grow. its that simple

had to rant on this a bit. much love :)
North of Toronto, its normally 10$ a g all the way up. Dealers never messed around when i went to them. Always weighed up and was good shit, we go by, 'A' 'AA' and "AAA". the best goes from 280-315 an zip. If i were to sell my personal to a friend which i wouldnt.... i would charge 15$ a g all the way up for my time n effort.
I'm not saying selling is bad for anyone else, but I think it is bad for me. I would do it only as a favor for people I'm close to, but it wouldn't be a giveaway and even then, I wouldn't tell them that I had grown it.
Hello all, first post here. If your selling for much cheaper then street prices wouldn't that be a hint to your buyer that you are growing it or close to the grower. Sounds like it might be a security issue. Now if your just hooking up a few close friends then that is little different.
cheaper then street prices??????lol dont know what u think we grow here but its the dank shit not no mexican brick
yea selling weed is making it look like its bad.. grow it for yourself and close friends. thats just my opinion..
oppinions r like assholes everyones got one