How much do you smoke in one sitting?


Well-Known Member
I smoke around half a gram in one sitting to myself, anymore then that I just dont enjoy the high.


Well-Known Member
I smoke about a gram or so.
My bong that I usually smoke out of has a huge bowl so I just break up a gram and do snaps till its gone and im blitzed


Well-Known Member
shittt idk I smoke way too much per sitting I think. I don't even weigh my shit out.

usually it's one moderately fat bud per sitting, that would fill 2 small bowls.


depends on the time of the day or what i have to get done that day haha
anywhere from .5 g to 2g
not really a fan of the bong unless im trying to conserve my bud
i love a nice blunt or a good one pape to hold you over until soon after


Well-Known Member
depends on the time of the day or what i have to get done that day haha
anywhere from .5 g to 2g
not really a fan of the bong unless im trying to conserve my bud
i love a nice blunt or a good one pape to hold you over until soon after
I want to know your secret to conserving weed with a bong :shock:
seems when I use my bong every day I go through so much more pot than just smokin a joint or some bowls out of my pipe throughout the day.....

So whats your secret? I NEED to know! lol


basically its my way of stretching out weed when i have barely ne left, i dont take massive bowls i need to stop smoking cigarettes because i def cant hit the bong like i used to
i could easily sit there n smoke 2 gs in the bong jus like in a spliff or blunt or multiple spliffs haha but i usually only resort to the bong when i have a .5 left so maybe a bong only mentally forces me to conserve. im also kind of a chain joint smoker which makes me view joints n such as using more weed too, say i cant smoke allday until late at night ill smoke joint after joint n chill out for 3 hrs


Well-Known Member
Im not sure how you guys end up wasting more weed when hitting the bong. I usually just pack 2 bowls in my bong at 1 sitting and i'll be so stoned that i wont even need to smoke anymore. But i think it depends on the bong you have, I have like a 1 foot tall crystal clear glass on glass bong with a diffuser. Damn that bong gets me higher then anything else. I probably only smoke about half a gram in a sitting, Except when im with friends then i can expect to run out of weed. I mean i got some friends who dont even have to ask me to smoke, I'll just pass them the bong and offer them a hit. But then there are the other kind of friends i have who just leech off one another. I dont even invite them over and bastards will still come over. To make it worst they wont even bring money or weed, and when your done smoking they'll try to get you to buy them some burger king. Which i dont, i just tell them to eat what ever is in my kitchen which isnt anything cause its always empty.