How much do you smoke?


Well-Known Member
Like at a sitting or throughout the day

at a sesh..3-5 dabs and 2 bowls myself. i could smoke more but is gets boring.


Well-Known Member
depends if i smoke reg a q/o every 4 days but i get pretty much compressed kush.
mid grade / k - varies normally around 2-3 days on a eigth

andtop shelf what iv been smoking on about 2 gs a day but i stay high as fuck...somtimes to high to function lol :P


Well-Known Member
I smoke the most of all my friends, about an ounce a week, but that's because I don't grow (yet) and the stuff aint cheap. Curious how much other people are smoking.

I got an employee like you,,,it's called CHRONIC,,,:bigjoint:

Keep on Growin
