how much do you water your plants every watering?


Active Member
How much do you water your plants, cos im having abit of a problem thinking of how much to water my plants. Has anyone got a chart of some sort to indicate how much you water depending on pot size?


Just water thoroughly, until the soil is saturated, you can water over the course of a couple hours if you wish but eventually you should get some drainage (run-off) coming out of the holes in the bottom of the pot(s). You can tell it is time to water when the containers have lightened up considerably (lift them if you have to), and the soil is visibly drier (not completely dry).

Larger containers are typically watered less frequently.


Well-Known Member
people water differenlty..some water everyday wit 0% runoff some people every couple says wit 10% runoff its really up to i use one gallon pots of coco and when i feed i use 2cups worth and get little to 0% runoff then the next time i water till i get like 10% ruoff

Mr Toakalot

Well-Known Member
simple when ur medium is dry water till u see a good amount of run off but not to much..........then wait till its dry again, every plant will suck up water at different rates depending on it conditions, i use 5 gallon smart pots and about 1 gallon thru each gets the job done bout every 4 days

Truth B Known

Active Member
i use 3gal pots, and use roots organics soil, i water fridays and tuesdays, and only use 1 gal per 8-9 plants, and its loaded with organic bat guano and molasses :shock: :D :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just water thoroughly, until the soil is saturated, you can water over the course of a couple hours if you wish but eventually you should get some drainage (run-off) coming out of the holes in the bottom of the pot(s). You can tell it is time to water when the containers have lightened up considerably (lift them if you have to), and the soil is visibly drier (not completely dry).

Larger containers are typically watered less frequently.
Best answer. This person's right on the money.

It's usually best to add the water slowly. Adding too fast sometimes makes it run down the sides of the container and come out the holes in the bottom leaving dry spots in the soil.

Myself, I slowly water until I get a little trickle coming out the bottoms. If you get too much coming out you're actually flushing out nutes also.

Truth B Known

Active Member
wow, how often do you water? i think the molasses and bat guano kinda act as a wetting agent maybe? check my blue dream link in my sig, i seriously only give them about 2 cups a piece been twice a week, but bout to space it out more to like every 5 days now..