According to this thread, I've found people suggesting different things - different opinions about how often to generate new co2.
Opinions varied from every 20 minutes to every 66 minutes (off time).
This calculator does not calculate the "off time", but it does calculate an "on time" for you:
I did find out what my on time is, which is 30 minutes.
Now started researching about the "off time" and this is how I found out about the thread that I linked.
One cycle consists of "on time" + "off time".
"On time" means it's when the gas is being released and "off time" means it's the amount of time it takes to start releasing gas again (in my logic).
So according to these people opinions, my cycle takes 50-96 minutes.
Every 50 to 96 minutes the gas is being released for 30 minutes at a time (off time being 20-66 minutes).
Oh well, according to my calculations
the fuel consumption is going to be 5-10 L per day.