How much does your grow cost!!!

It was cool to see another Paul Di'anno fan exists, anyway. Those first 2 albums were fantastic.

Yeah they were great with Paul Di'anno. But I saw them a couple months ago in Portland and Bruce is top notch himself. Iron Maiden is a spectacular band. It's the bass player that makes it happen. Steve Harris

[Damn, you pay 12.6/KWH?

Forget that. Makes me glad to be in Texas... Texas has it's own power grid and it's a free market ....we got dozens of power companies to choose from and more pop up all the time. Competition keeps the prices down... I haven't paid more than 4.5/KWH in like a decade. Of course we have additional "delivery fees" and the like added on, but even still - all things considered - it stays under 8.5/KWH.. and from November - May I switch services to a "whole sale" power company and usually get power for 2.0/KWH (so like 6.0/KWH total after all fees).
Greenhouse yes outdoor no
High winds, bugs, dust, losing and breaking Trichomes
Sorry but indoor rules
Indoor is what I do, but, I have to respectfully disagree with you.
Taste is a personal thing -- thats why they paint cars all different colors, cause we all different, but personally I like outdoor best.
And I smoke 50% for taste. It can be very stoney, but if it doesn't taste good .. blech, I set it down.

Most indoor, I can taste the chemicals needed to make it work. With mine, its not true because I do a looooong flush. It costs me some weight, but I still do it.
And, because of that, my flowers command higher prices from the brokers.
Damn, you pay 12.6/KWH?

I'll take it.
I am in California, north.
PG&E land.
We just went thru two weeks of no power, they cut us off because they haven't been maintaining their equipment and it is falling apart. (Infrastructure deterioration is common in Socialist countries).
When we can get it, we pay $0.244 per KWH, peak is $0.36
I'll take it.
I am in California, north.
PG&E land.
We just went thru two weeks of no power, they cut us off because they haven't been maintaining their equipment and it is falling apart. (Infrastructure deterioration is common in Socialist countries).
When we can get it, we pay $0.244 per KWH, peak is $0.36
Oh hell no. Those kind of prices are ridiculous. Might as well move yourself off grid with solar and wind if that's what you're paying. Solar/wind setup isn't worth the cost here in Texas with our rates but if you're paying .24 - .36 /KWH ...then it'll end up being cheaper.

On the other side of that coin, I also think it's ridiculous that a tree branch can fall on a power line and the electrical company can be sued and forced into bankruptcy for the damages caused from it. So, I guess if the state is not going to allow for immunity for public services like power, the result is going to be higher energy costs. Everything is a trade off.
Indoor is what I do, but, I have to respectfully disagree with you.
Taste is a personal thing -- thats why they paint cars all different colors, cause we all different, but personally I like outdoor best.
And I smoke 50% for taste. It can be very stoney, but if it doesn't taste good .. blech, I set it down.

Most indoor, I can taste the chemicals needed to make it work. With mine, its not true because I do a looooong flush. It costs me some weight, but I still do it.
And, because of that, my flowers command higher prices from the brokers.
OK let me be clear, well grown, organic, indoor... rules
There are no chemicals involved
Oh hell no. Those kind of prices are ridiculous. Might as well move yourself off grid with solar and wind if that's what you're paying. Solar/wind setup isn't worth the cost here in Texas with our rates but if you're paying .24 - .36 /KWH ...then it'll end up being cheaper.

On the other side of that coin, I also think it's ridiculous that a tree branch can fall on a power line and the electrical company can be sued and forced into bankruptcy for the damages caused from it. So, I guess if the state is not going to allow for immunity for public services like power, the result is going to be higher energy costs. Everything is a trade off.
I actually generate the lights and half of the AC for my girls. 150 amps via a 65 KW generator that runs 12 hrs a day. The fans, dehumidifiers, pumps, lights over moms & clones, and two of the AC units run off of PG&E.

The fires were not caused by a tree branch falling on a live wire. The big ones last year (in which me and thousands of others lost it all), were caused by high winds that brought down the lines.
California has been having Santa Ana winds for as long as humans can remember.
PG&E has not been maintaining or upgrading their equipment. The tree-huggers won't let us take dead veg out of our forests, or even harvest our lumber crops.
The combo of lots of fuel, and worn out electrical grid is what's making this situation. All man-made ... and not a bit of it has anything to do with 'global warming.'

Edited to add this PS:
IF I didn't have substantial business interests here, and IF I was forty years younger or more - I would leave California so fast there'd be prop wash behind me. I am a native, and have lived here 90% of my life ... but this place is crumbling - tis going to hell fast. And it's sad.
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Basic monthly charge not exceeding 200 Amp$8.62 $ 6.45US

Energy charge8.740¢/kWh $0.065 US
Second amount converted to the American buck.
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Where do you see this happening? My part of California is booming like never before!!!!
Watch the news tonight.
If you miss it ... watch tomorrow night.

And, I guess it depends on your definition of 'booming'. Are you talking economically? Yea, that's happening all over the country, but there's only so much that Trump can do to save our state - especially with Gov. Any Twosome Newsome at the helm.

The blight and corrosion is there for anyone who can open their eyes.
The biggest problem is that most of the people here can not open their eyes.
I agree.
And, good news ... he said just today he was going to do that.
No more federal aid for fires until we learn how to manage our forests.
Sounds fair to me.
Most of the forests in Cali are National Forest lands administered by the federal government. And if thump is going to withhold disaster relief for political reasons maybe we should withhold sending California tax money to the federal gov.....the other 49 states would go broke.....
Most of the forests in Cali are National Forest lands administered by the federal government. And if thump is going to withhold disaster relief for political reasons maybe we should withhold sending California tax money to the federal gov.....the other 49 states would go broke.....
Good Idea!

Then Cali could do away with the border and be annexed by Mexico.

See? All you folks that think that Californian's are all bat-shit crazy ... see what I have to live with?
Sanity and minimal perversions are very rare.
Most of the forests in Cali are National Forest lands administered by the federal government.
The US Forest Service actually tried - they had 8 full projects for thinning and clearing the brush in NF lands. Problem is that Congress wouldn't fund it - they're spending all their efforts trying to impeach the POTUS instead of taking care of things like their funding duties. A big reason why a DNC controlled Congress won't fund it though is because of all the crazy environmentalist that support them don't want the projects to move forward.

And if thump is going to withhold disaster relief for political reasons maybe we should withhold sending California tax money to the federal gov.....the other 49 states would go broke.....
Well that's just silly, California as a state can't really "withhold" tax money as they don't touch it. Companies withhold taxes from employee checks and submit it directly, along with any corporate taxes due. And not a single company would dare attempt to withhold federal tax money. Furthermore, the federal government controls the banks, thus they control the flow of money.

Also, the idea that the federal government would go broke if they lost 13% of their revenue is a bit silly. The US government would essentially lose about 100 billion (456 billion or so in revenue from CA, and about 350 billion in expenditures in CA). Also noteworthy that per capita revenue from CA is much lower than half the states - it's really only CA's population that gives the state a high contribution level.

Furthermore, California is a very dependent state. Water, power, food, fuel ....California only has enough of these things for their population because of all those silly "leech" states that Californians like to bitch about "supporting". Pretty much all states are dependent on all the other states. The closest any state gets to being able to be "independent" is Texas and that's because they spent a ton of money doing it - setup their own power grid (no other state has their own power grid that could power their state if disconnected from the national power grid). Massive land mass, with a lot of farm and ranching land. Crazy amount of oil resources and refineries. Well managed fish and wildlife resources keeps those things abundant in Texas. Just a combination of great management of the resources here really.

Also worth noting that for the last decade California has had a NEGATIVE migration among U.S. Citizens and legal residents. The state had only grown in population by 1.2 million in the past decade, whereas states like Texas grew by 4 million in the past decade. U.S. citizens and legal residents are fleeing the state, the population growth is entirely due to immigration.
And don't take my post wrong, I'm not a California hater or anything. I lived there for quite a bit, even went to law school there (one side of my family is born and raised Californians and I still have a lot of family there). Had a lot of fun, met a lot of great people. Still have a lot of friends there and visit on occasion.

But I think Hash Bucket makes some fair and logical points about where CA is heading and the state of some of their infrastructure. I personally think the state is horribly mismanaged.

Oh and my "tree branch on a power line" comment was more of a statement to lead into the power companies not having immunity. Branches, wind, rain, whatever act of God it may be that brings down those power lines is what I was getting at.
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