how much dry weed can you produce from 4 plants?


Active Member
hi people here are selling 3.5g shit hash for 20, 130 of an o. last batch of weed i bought i paid 140 which was damp as well! the batch be4 i paid 150 but full of grit! YES fricken SAND! i'm willing to pick up some good natural weed which is dried properly, cash up front. anyone please give me prices from for a bar, half key, key and up to 3 keys please. thank you very much. also i'm wanting to have a rough idea how much can i produce from 4 plants of good skunk, i.e white widow ak47 k2 etc.



Active Member
3.5g for 20 is the going rate in the uk , un-less you are buying bulk , sounds like your sources are not to good mate ,

as for yeild from 4 plants nobody knows mate , ive had plants give me from 1-7 ounce in the past but i find the normal range for me anyway is bettween 2-5 oz from each plant
If you are not getting a minium of 4 ozs. indoor you should change varieties,soil,nutrients or techniques.We grow using High Nitrogen Bat Guano and bloom with High Phosporus Bat Guano.I add Super Bat liquid in the last two weeks.We also incorporate Azomite in our Fox Farm soil mixture.We average 6 ozs. per plant and grow in two gallon containers.We usually veg for two weeks and bloom off in forty five days or less under 600 Watt HPS .


Active Member
phantazypharm you say 6oz a plant my question for you is how many plants do you get under that 600watt light and how tall do they get.oh and what breed are you growing.i grow 3 kinds blueberry,bubbleberry and blowfish and i wish i got 6 oz a plant and i grow with 1000watt hps would love some input thanks
Iculikeit, phantazypharm here.
I grow in 20 gallon containers two plants per light. I originally tie the center of my plant down and allow the other branches to extend. I then tie those down and allow more top branching. When I am through vegging and ready to bloom the plant looks like an arachnid or octopus. This technique is time consuming but produces multiple colas and yields. I fertilize with Down to Earth high nitrogen bat guano in veg and flower with high phosphorus bat guano. I also use Azomite as a mineral boost. The last two weeks of bloom I use Liquid Budswel with the Yellow Label.I flush for three days and then harvest. Matanuska Mist has been my heaaviest producer thus far. PeAcE LoVe HiPpIeNeSs


Well-Known Member
your being silly dude, they don't put sand in the weed man, thats crazy, what they put in it, is the little shards of glass that they use for road marking paint.

*. GaMbO .*

Active Member
around my way an eighth is 20 ( 3.5 grams) , thats of regs tho. If u buy good bud its 20 a gram , such as haze , sour D etc. . If ur lookin to buy mids . . which is decent bud . . better than the shiut ur talkin bout for 130 but not no exotic , ur lookin to pay 160 an ounce . . if ur buying weight ur prolly goin to pay about 550 for a quarter pound ( 4 ounces ). Prolly close to 1600 for the pound. Any way u look at it . . growin wil be cheaper.


whos they? i would never buy weed period. but if i did buy it i wouldnt buy it if it had fuckin glass in it!!! maybe you need to quit buying weed from shady ass people.


Active Member
i keep cloning my plants. i started off with 3 and now i got 27. hopefully i get 3oz or more from each one. i'm gonna keep cloning til i got 50 then i'm gonna call it quits

btw...i sell my pounds for $700 to $1000 b/c i have so much of it


Well-Known Member
youve got to remember india is bloody hot us in the uk have a period of abou 2 months of hot weather and the rest its cold and raining lol

al be selling mine for 8th = £25 and 1oz = £200 but to my location and there being nothing round here my mates are having to drive at least 20 miles to buy crap weed

but thats all going to change soon